• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語に翻訳をお願いします…)


  • 海外の方に上手に伝わるような保健所に関する文と写真のメッセージを翻訳してください。
  • 日本には、飼えなくなった動物を持ち込んで、殺処分する場所があります。
  • 保健所の職員たちは、動物を愛し、殺処分をできるだけ避けるために里親を探しています。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

Messages from a public health center These are messages: In Japan, we have places where pets whose owners could no longer own are killed. The reasons include the cases that the family go on a trip, children are no longer interested, their owners had to be transferred to different places, their owners became very old and sick. Many of the reasons are unreasonable. Workers at public health centers have to kill those animals and because they kill, their work is looked at as acts of vice. Yet, among those workers, there are animal loves, and many of them live with animal pets. One worker raised his voice to the owner of an animal when the animal was brought in with an unreasonable reason, and with an angry voice he said, "Go home and think it over." There are some kind workers who try to help find foster parents for the animals before the set days when they are killed. When students visit health centers for their extracurricular lessons, if they think about these problems, and if they welcome their animal pets as members of their family, a health center worker says with tears in her eyes, they no longer need their job. This is a message coming home to you. 以上、日本語を英語に訳しました。写真のメッセージも日本語で書いて下さっていますよね。添付の写真は小さくて解読不可能です。 ご参考になればと思います。



いつも有難うございますT^T 申し訳ありません… 写真の文字。全く見えなかったですね… メッセージも伝えたいので… 下の文章も翻訳お願いできないでしょうか… 保健所の方達のメッセージです 上段左から右へ順に~ ☆衝動より熟慮、飼いたい動物と飼える動物は違います ☆終生飼育! ☆この命、灰になる為だけに生まれた来たんじゃない! 下段左から右に順に~ ☆税金を命の処分に使うより命を生かす社会に使おう ☆自分の動物を人に殺させる人、最低だと思う! ☆殺処分、貴方が見捨てた家族の命! これを宜しくお願いします…


その他の回答 (1)

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

☆衝動より熟慮、飼いたい動物と飼える動物は違います Don't buy animals impulsively. Have cold thinking first. Animals you want to own are may not be animals you can own. ☆終生飼育! Breed your pet animals until they die. ☆この命、灰になる為だけに生まれた来たんじゃない! These pet animals were not born to just be ashes. ☆税金を命の処分に使うより命を生かす社会に使おう Instead of using our tax money to kill, but rather use it to help animals live. ☆自分の動物を人に殺させる人、最低だと思う! You don't kill and you have us kill your pets. This is disgusting. ☆殺処分、貴方が見捨てた家族の命! Want us to kill your pets? The pets you forsook. A member in your family!! 以上でいかがでしょうか?



ありがとうございます!!!! 毎回、有難うございます♪

