• 締切済み


貴方が言ってくれる事はすごく嬉しいし、素晴らしい事ばかりなんだけど、その反面すごく怖くて。 一緒に暮らし始めれば、貴方のの時間もなくなるし、お金だってなくなる、そしたら貴方が私たちのせいでストレスを持ち、不幸になるだけだし、自分達の関係が悪くなってしまうから、やっぱり今の関係で終わったほうがいいと思う。本当にかってでごめんね。 でも、私はいつまでも貴方のの幸せを願ってます。 さよなら。



It is delightful enormously for you to say, and, but only splendid thing what fearing on the other hand enormously. If together it starts living, it becomes either the time your without it becomes and, without even the money, so it does, you with our consequences just become unhappy with stress, to produce, because your own relationship become bad, you think that the one which is ended after all with current relationship is good.With you have applied truly, don't you think? the me. So, I increase asking the happiness your forever. Good bye.
