• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳をお願いします‼︎)


  • 自然消滅のようになってしまった彼へ送るメールです。
  • 自分の弱さが引き金となり、傷つけてしまったことの理由と自分の今の気持ちです。
  • 連絡を取らなくなってからの辛さや彼への愛情を綴っています。


  • ベストアンサー

以下の訳でいかがでしょうか。彼に会えるといいですね。 It's been a long time since we last got in touch. My sadness and heartrending sorrow made me say terrible things to you. Your ex-girlfriend was terribly keen to know about us and she told me about Llumina almost every day. She said that you were dating with Llumina and you were into her. Though I understand it was just her jealousy, I was not able to think about that maturely then. You seriously explained about your relationshop with her, when I asked you about it. But I couldn't believe you. I'm so sorry. I finally gave up trying to believe you and escape from you. But I realised that being without you is hard for me. I'm feeling down badly than before. I apologise that I hurt you. I was too fragile. If you don't like me who is too emotional, I understand your feeing. But I always love you and I will. I know it's too selfish. But if you would forgive me, I want to see you.



長文でしたのに、ありがとうございます! お礼が遅くなり申し訳御座いません。 また、いつか会えたらうれしいです>< 本当にありがとうございます。
