- ベストアンサー
- 私は女性で、今年7月に男性のペンパルと出会いました。彼の国への旅行もしましたが、帰国後に連絡が取れなくなってしまいました。私は乳がんの治療中で、彼も皮膚がん経験者です。私は彼と友達でいたいと思い、もう一度だけメールを送りたいです。
- 私は彼との関係が特別で、彼は私のことを大切にしてくれました。私たちは長い時間を共有し、互いにサポートしてきました。ただ、最近は連絡が途絶えてしまい、寂しいです。私は絶えず彼からの連絡を待っています。彼とのコンタクトを失うことが辛くて、言葉では言い表せない思いです。
- 私は今も彼に対する特別な感情を持っています。私は彼が幸せであることを願っていますし、私のことを思ってくれる存在になりたいです。私の語学力の限界で自分の気持ちを正確に伝えられないことが悔しいです。私は彼との関係を続けたいと思い、もう一度メールを送りたいです。彼の笑顔を見たいし、声が聞きたいです。
- みんなの回答 (4)
- 専門家の回答
<rest: 続き> It is because even my feelings cannot be conveyed to you accurately with my present language ability. However, only waiting as I am doing now is painful. It is because I only imagine what you are doing now and how you are feeling. That is really painful. Maybe you also are thinking about many things. I'm sorry for saying only selfish things. I want to tell you about my feelings repeatedly until they reach you You are my special person. You are neither a friend nor a lover. Yes, you are my special person. Because it is you, I feel so. I want you to tell me any tiny bit of things about you not only when you are happy but when you are unhappy. I want you to tell me your feelings honestly. I don't want to blame you at all. Please do not misunderstand me. I want to become someone you need even for so short a time like I was when I first met you. I want to restore such a personal relationship between you and me as when you said to me, "You make me happy". Anyway, I hope heartily you recover your physical condition and that you are leading a happy life with your family and your friends. And, I want to see your smile. I want to hear your voice.
その他の回答 (3)
- jpintexas(@jpintexas)
- ベストアンサー率24% (86/349)
I agree with the respondent #3. You are making the matter complicated, because the letter sounds like you are trying to seek a further relationship with the person you met during your travel. Personally, I'm not sure if it works for you by translating this entire message above. I personally don't want to see you get hurt because of the letter. I recommend you keep it short in the letter. But, it's up to you.
Thank you for your advice.I am really glad. I will try write short letter. I'm sorry my English is really bad...
うーん、元となる日本語の文章は英訳を意識しての内容だと思いますが、このまま英訳してもやはり「今以上の関係」を求めている、と読み取られることになると思います。 それでOKですか?
お返事が遅くなってごめんなさい。 アドバイスをありがとうございました。 おっしゃる通りですよね。私もそう思いながら書いていました。 日本語でもうまく説明できないのですけど、 結局、それが私の本心なんだろうと思います。 いろいろ求めてはいけないと本当に頭では考えているのですけど、 一度好きになってしまった人と友達になるって そんなに簡単じゃことじゃないですよね。。。 少し内容を短く考えてみるところからやり直してみます。 ありがとうございました。
- sayshe
- ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)
How are you, ○○? How about your physical condition since then? I have been concerned about you since I came back to Japan. But I was not able to contact you because I was afraid that it might be a burden to you to contact you from me. I'm sorry for having sent my one-sided feelings to you with email the other day. But please understand this. You are a special person for me. You have kept contacting me since we met last July. You listened to me talk about my sickness. You also told me about yours. However, I am very sad if my existence has become a burden to you. I would like to continue to be friends with you from now on. I believe that we were able to make time even if we were far apart, and as a result, we were able to share a lot of time together. And I was able to fulfill my dream of going to meet you, too. I was really glad to have met you. The reason is one and only. It is because it was you. Each one of your words sounded covincing in my mind while I was staying. I was happy if only I was able to be next to you. Thank you for telling me that you like my English when I started crying. I want to talk with you about a lot of things. You told me that you would come to see me when you come to Japan the next year. Even now I still believe those words. But what makes me sad now is to become impossible for me to get in touch with you any more. When I think of that, my heart aches and I cannot express those sad feelings well in words. I understand that your work has been very tough since I returned to Japan. Your physical condition might not be good. But I believe that you understand my feelings, too. And, I also believe that you are thinking of getting in touch with me some time. But if it is not so, could you tell me the reason? All I can do now is pray every day that your message reaches me. Giving you a call from me is easy but I hesitate to do so. <to be continued: 続く>
ありがとうございました。 長い内容でしたので、お時間もかかりましたよね? すみませんでした。本当に本当に感謝していいます。