• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英作文)


  • 英作文において役立つ分詞表現や熟語を紹介します。
  • 英作文でよく使われる分詞の使い方やイコール表現について解説します。
  • 英作文における重要なポイントである分詞という文法についてまとめました。


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1. I noticed something dark floating on the sea. 2. I am sorry to have kept you waiting. How long have you been waiting? 3. * Walking along the river for a while, I reached a place which is famous for its fine view. * After I walked along the river for a while, I got to a place which is famous for its fine view. * Walking along the river for a while brought me to a place which is famous for its fine view. 4. * Seeing the guest off, I began to read the book again at the pages between which I inserted a pencil. * After I saw the guest off, I began to read the book again at the pages between which I inserted a pencil. 5. * Being a little embarrassed at this answer, I asked once again. * Although I was a little embarrassed at this answer, I asked once again. 6. * The moon coming out, I turned off the light. * Because the moon came out, I turned off the light. 7. Generally speaking, no families were well off. 8. * Compared with the past, Japanese people's lives have lost contact with nature. * If they are compared with the past, Japanese people's lives have lost contact with nature. 9. I wrote a letter by myself and [had/got] it translated into English. 10. He was (found) dead lying on his stomach with his head toward the door. 11. * Being tired, I could no longer [keep/continue] walking with the heavy burden on my back. * Because I was tired, I could no longer [keep/continue] walking with the heavy burden on my back. * I was so tired that I could no longer [keep/continue] walking with the heavy burden on my back. 12. * It is necessary for us to have the world understand Japan by using English as an international language. * Using English as an international language, we need to get the world to understand Japan.



回答、ありがとうございました。 添削してみましたが、短い文でもミスが目立ちました。例えば、2はHow long have you waited?としてしまいましたが、良く考えたら、動作が継続しているから、have you been waiting でなければいけないとか、元の文に忠実に英訳したら逆に難しくなったりしました。まずは日本語から書き換える事から、あまり難しく考えないように、自分が知っている表現を使えたらと思いました。
