• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英作文)


  • パソコンを活用する方法は少ない
  • 落胆しないようにするためには、努力が実を結ばないことを受け入れる必要がある
  • 本を読んでも面白くないことがある


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1. * Very few people know how to use a personal computer well. * The number of people who know how to utilize a personal computer sufficiently is extremely small. 2. * You should not be disappointed because your efforts do not bear fruit. * You should not get discouraged because your efforts are not rewarded. 3. * I read both of these books and found neither of them interesting. * I read both of these books, neither of which I found interesting. 4. * As soon as they turned off the light, they ran out of the room. * No sooner had they turned off the light than they ran out of the room. * Hardly had they turned off the light when they ran out of the room. 5. * According to dentists, a decayed tooth is not necessarily caused by sweets. * Dentists say that a bad tooth is not necessarily attributed to sweets. 6. * This picture always reminds me of my dead mother. * Whenever I see this photo, I remember my dead mother. 7. * We cannot be too careful when we translate Japanese into English. * We cannot be careful enough when we put Japanese into English. 8. * He is not a man who breaks his promise. * He is not a person who goes back on his word. * He is as good as his word. http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=as+good+as+one%27s+word 9. * It is not until you lose your health that you realize its value. * You do not realize the value of your health until you lose it. * You do not understand how important your health is until you lose it. 10. * I have a lot of friends, none of whom has served in the army. * Though I have many friends, none of them has entered the military. 11. * No one can deny that smoking has a lot to do with serious diseases including lung cancer. * Nobody can deny the fact that there is a close ralationship between smoking and serious illnesses like lung cancer. 12. * I do not like either being rejected by a girl after I express my love to her or losing her because I do not express my love to her. * I do not like being rejected by a girl when I tell her how much I love her, nor do I like losing her because I do not tell her so. 13. * However, not everyone can be an English teacher because he or she speaks English. * However, people cannot necessarily become English teachers because they can speak English.



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