• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英作文の添削お願いします。)

I think I am suitable for an inventor

  • I believe I have the qualities of an inventor. I am skilled in physics, chemistry, and mathematics, and I enjoy working with my hands and manufacturing. I possess a strong imagination and creativity, which are essential for inventing. Moreover, I am confident in my ability to create innovative and useful inventions that have not been thought of before.
  • With my expertise in physics, chemistry, and mathematics, as well as my passion for manufacturing and skillful hands, I believe I have the potential to become a successful inventor. I possess the necessary attributes such as a strong imagination, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. I am confident that I can come up with unique and useful inventions that will benefit people's lives.
  • I consider myself a suitable candidate for an inventor because I excel in subjects like physics, chemistry, and mathematics. I also have a passion for creating and am skilled with my hands. I possess the necessary qualities of an inventor, such as creativity and imagination. Furthermore, I am confident in my ability to come up with innovative and practical inventions that can improve the lives of others.


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51910
  • ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)

>I think that I am suitable for an inventor. → I believe I have the talent for becoming an inventor. >私は発明家に向いていると思う。 >Becouse I am good at physics, chemistry and mathematics. → As I am good at physics, chemistry, and mathematics. >私は物理、化学そして数学が得意です。 >And I am skillful with my hands and like manufacturing. → Also I am good with my hands and I like to create things. >そして、私は手先が器用で物作りが好きです。 >An idea power and creativity are necessary to invent something. I think that I >have them enough. An invention requires creaitivity and the power to seek new ideas; I blieve I am blessed with both. >何かを発明するためには、発想力と創造力が必要です。私はそれらを充分にもっていると思う。 I am confident that I will be able to invent things that nodbody would have never thought of, and that whch will help the minkind. >I am sure to make the inv. which is helpful for the person with the convenience >that nobody hits on. >私は誰も思いつかないような便利で人の役にたつ発明品を作るという自信がある。 以上の文です。 文のつなげ方が少々無理やりかもしれません^^; 添削おねがいします。
