- ベストアンサー
そちらは、あたたかいのですね。 半袖・半ズボンをたくさん持たせました。 昨日、家を出る前は緊張していたようですが空港に着くと気分は高まり、そちらに着くのを楽しみにしていました。 英語は初心者で、話しかけられることがほとんど理解できないかもしれませんが、よろしくお願いいたします。 お手伝いはするように伝えてありますので、ご子息同様言いつけてください。
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
So it is warm over there. I packed many short sleeve shirts and shorts. He appeared tense when he left home yesterday, but at the airport he was looking forward to getting there. He is a beginner in English and he may understand little of what he hears but I ask for your patience. I told him to help you, so tell him to do things for you as though he is your son.
その他の回答 (1)
- princelilac
- ベストアンサー率24% (1627/6648)
日本語に書いてないのですが、息子さんが外国でホームステイする、と読み取りました。 I found it is warm there, so I told (my son: または名前) to take a lot of shortsleeves and shorts. He was nervous before he left home, but he got in high spirit when we we arrived at the airport. He was looking forward to being there. He is a beginner of English, so I'm afraid he will not understand you very little. Please give him some help. I've told him to help you, so you may tell him the same as your son.