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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳お願いします)
Exquisite Desires: Exploring the Intricacies of Your Body
- Discover the intricate details of your body and feel the intensity of your desires. Explore the scars, the shape of your tongue, the curve of your lower back, the count of your vertebrae, the delicacy of your ribs, the elegance of your fingers, and the exhilaration of your goosebumps. Let us create a map of your anatomy, a language only we understand, bringing us closer than ever before.
- Uncover the hidden treasures of your body, unraveling the mysteries that lie within. From the stories told by your scars to the unique shape of your tongue, every part of you holds a secret waiting to be discovered. As we ascend the curve of your lower back and count your vertebrae, we embark on a journey of intimacy and connection. Let us learn the language of your body, speaking volumes without uttering a word.
- Embrace the poetic beauty of your body and the profound experiences it holds. From the elegance of your fingers to the delicate architecture of your ribs, every detail is a masterpiece waiting to be explored. Feel the electrifying sensations of your goosebumps and let us map the intricacies of your anatomy. In the language of your body, we will find the depths of passion and desire, creating a symphony of intimacy that transcends words.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
君がどれ程の傷を抱えているのか知りたい 君の舌がどんな形なのかを覚えたい しなやかにくびれるその腰を登攀してみたい そして脊髄骨の本数を数えてみたい あばら骨も 君の指も 鳥肌でさえも 君のからだの地形図を描いてみたい そして君のボディランゲージを堪能したい 欲しいよ 何もかも