• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:※大至急※ 以下の日本文を英文に翻訳願います!)


  • 太陽を見るとき、それは過去の太陽の姿であり、愛する人の笑顔も過去のものかもしれない。
  • 視覚の世界でも微細な時間のずれが起こっており、愛情が冷める可能性もある。
  • だからこそ、相手をいつでも抱きしめて一緒に生きることが大切である。


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51910
  • ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)

かなりの意訳になりますが。。。 We look at the Sun, but what we actually see is the image of the Sun that was there eight minutes before. Your lover is at the top of a hill, waving her (his) hand. If the hill is one kilometer away, what you are seeing is the image of your lover that lags behind the real her (him) by a three hundred-thousandth of a second. When you talk with someone overseas on the phone, there is a small time lag in the conversation. We experience similar phenomena in the visual world, though on a much subtler level. My lover may be sitting across a table smiling. But that smile is of the past, albeit of an infinitesimal one. Who is to say that her (his) feeling towards me has not changed in that infinitesimal second. So I say to you. It is important that you always keep in your arms the person you love. Be close to each other; live the exact same moment. Your two arms are there to hold your loved one, not to wave goodbye.



