I mean, so you’ve got John Myung who wasn’t really socializing with us at all anymore, but as I said to Mike, ‘Tell me how it’s any different to when I first joined this band.’ I don’t see it.
Q1 この文章の意味を教えてください。
まず、you've got をどう訳せばよいのでしょうか?
as I said to Mikeは、マイクにこう聞いた時 →そして聞いた内容が次につながる。
Tell me how~の意味を教えてください。
Petrucci: “You know, we’ve known each other for a long time, 25 years-plus, and I love Mike. One of the first things I said was that I was trying to understand where he was coming from and that I don’t judge him. Everyone is their own man and I get it. But from my perspective and from that of the other guys, you could take those same elements mentioned by Mike, the fact that we’ve been a band for 25 years, that this is something that we have built up and that we love, as a reason not to stop it or even take a break.”
Q2 1行目ラストのOne of the first thingsからうまく訳せません。
Myung: “We love what we do and we didn’t want to wait around as things became unstable.
What was initially a four-month break suddenly turned into a hiatus, then changed to a year and four months, which then could have turned into anyone’s guess.”
Q3 最後のanyone's guessが何を言いたいのか理解出来ません。