• 締切済み


アメリカ人の方へ送るメールなのですが、上手く日本語のニュアンスで英訳出来ません・・・。 お手数ですが、意訳で英語にして頂けないでしょうか? 「私はあなたの弟の家にプレゼントを送れば良いのですか? それはあなたの誕生日当日に届かないと思いますが、それでも弟の家に送りますか? 私はあなたの弟の事を全く知らないので、そこに荷物を送って良いのか悩みます。 あなたの弟は私が自分の住所を知って、そこに荷物が届く事を了承しているのですか? それからあなたは7月末に日本に来るので間違い無いよね? あなたが7月末に日本に来るなら、DVDと一緒に日本の旅行ガイドを送るつもりです。 私の性格上 "たぶんこの日に行く"っていうのが嫌なの。 私は友達とも早めにきちんと計画を立てて会ったりするので、きちんとした日程を教えて欲しい。 この間メールで書いてた7月末に日本に来るのが決定事項って考えて良い?」



Do you really prefer sending your present addressed to your brother's place? Do you still want me to do so while the present won't be delivered by your birthday? I would rather concern about doing so because I have never met him before. Does he aware that I'm sending your present to his place? By the way, are you sure you would come to Japan sometime in end of July? If positive, I might send you some information about tourism in Japan along with DVD. I don't like to hear the vague idea. I usually make plans with my friends in advance. I would be glad if you could let me know your itinerary so I don't lose sleep. お友達とのメールとの事ですので伝えたいことをあくまで口語表現にしました。お役に立つと良いですが。お友達が来日する日程が不確かで予定も立てられず出来れば旅行日程としてきちんと教えて欲しい、という意味でしょうか?それがわかればやきもきせずに済むのよ、という言葉も付け足しておきました。(so I don't lose sleep.)


ちょっとおじゃましますね。 You've told me to send the present to your brother's home address, are you sure it's ok? I don't think my present will be in time for your birthday, but do you still want me to send it to your brother's? I'm a bit concerned about sending it to your brother's as I don't know him at all? Does your brother agree to the fact that I know his address and I'll be sending it to him for you? Another thing I'd like to ask you is that if you are definitely coming to Japan at the end of July. You are, aren't you? If you are coming to Japan at the end of July, I'd like to send you a book of 'Traveling guide' to Japan with a DVD soon. I'm afraid I don't like to hear people who are not sure, but say 'Maybe I'll come on this day.' without committing themselves. Please give me the precise dates of your traveling plan, so my friend(s) and I could plan well in advance what we could do and when and where we could meet when you are in Japan. Is it ok for me to think you are definitely coming to Japan at the end of July, like you said in your email the other day? I'm looking forward to hearing from you very soon. これで、yukiさんがおっしゃることが相手に伝わると思います。 お返事楽しみですね。
