• 締切済み


アメリカの友達にメールを送りたいと思います。 どなたか、力を貸して下さい!! メールありがとう。 私の事応援してくれて 嬉しいわ。これからも 勉強頑張るね!! あなたもクリスマスパーティーをするのね。 OK、パーティーの写真あとで送るわ。 あなたもちょうだいね。 ところで、あなたは何人ぐらいで パーティーをするの?? 日本では普通、クリスマスよりも 年明けの方を祝うわ。 友達とか、親戚に、 あけましておめでとうってハガキを出すのよ。 日本に来るの?! 本当に?! その時は会えるといいわね。 それじゃぁ、クリスマスを楽しんでね!! バイバイ ちょっと難しいかもしれませんが よろしくお願いします。


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

Thank you for your e-mail. I also thank you for rooting for me. I will do my best in studying from now on. You are holding a Christmas party. OK, I will send some photos of my party. Please give me yours, too. By the way, how many of you are holding the party? Generally we celebrate New Year more than Christmas. We send our friends and relatives New Year's cards saying "Happy New Year!" Are you coming to Japan? Really? I look forward to seeing you then. So have a wonderful Christmas!! Bye for now.

  • cincinnati
  • ベストアンサー率46% (606/1293)

Thank you for the mail. And I am glad to know that you support me in spirits. I will do my best in my studying from now on. You are going to have a Christmas party, aren't you? Okay, I will send you some pictures of my party later. Please let me have some of yours. By the way, abut how many people will attend the party? In Japan, we rather celebrate the new year's day than Christmas. We send a letter to friends and relatives, expressing appreciation of having spent the last year safely and coming into the new year. Are you coming to Japan? Is it real plan? I wish I could see you. Anyway, enjoy your Christmas. Bye bye.
