• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:日本文を英文に)

From Japanese to English: A Letter to Josh

  • I want to write a letter in English expressing my thoughts after writing them in Japanese. If there are any grammar mistakes or anything that doesn't make sense, please let me know!
  • I am a 14-year-old ninth grader from Tokyo, Japan. I became a fan of Libera when I heard 'You were there.' The singing of Libera is incredibly beautiful and I was surprised. I particularly love Josh in Libera because his voice is so beautiful and his smile is cute. I have all of Libera's CDs and DVDs, including their new album 'peace.' I went to their concert in Tokyo on April 8th and it was an unforgettable night. I am grateful for Josh's solo performances, which were amazing. I love 'Faithful Heart' and 'DEEP PEACE.' I also want to know Josh's thoughts on Tokyo and the view from Tokyo Tower.
  • I recommend trying 'TAKOYAKI', a delicious Japanese food with a small octopus inside. I wonder if there are any plans for a concert in Japan.


  • ベストアンサー

意味は通るのですが、ところどころ間違いがあったので、私なりの解釈で直させて頂きました。 質問などありましたらどうぞ! こんにちは Josh Hellow,Josh! 私の名前は◎◎です。 My name is ◎◎. 私は中学3年生の14歳です。 I'm 14 years old of the ninth grader. *I'm 14 years old in the ninth grade. 日本の東京に住んでいます。 I live in Japanese Tokyo. *I live in Tokyo, Japan. 私は" You were there "を聞いて、Liberaが大好きになりました。 I became love Libera when I listened to "You were there". *I started to love Libera~ Liberaの歌声は非常に美しいです! The singing of Libera is beautiful very much! *Your singing voice in Libera is so beautiful! 私は驚きました。 I was surprised. I was impressed. 私はLiberaの中で一番Joshが大好きです。 I love Josh in Libera most. *I love Josh the most in Libera 声がとても美しいからです。 Because Josh is the voice beautiful very much!!!! *Because he/you has/have the very beautiful voice!!!! Joshの笑顔はとても可愛いと思います。 I think Josh's smile is so cute. I think his/your smile is so cute. それに、あなたはとてもかっこいいです。 And you are so cool. *And you are also so cool/handsome. LiberaのCDとDVDは全てもっています。 I have all CD and DVD of Libera. *I have all Libera's CDs and DVDs. 新しいアルバム"peace"もかいました。 I bought a new album "peace" too. *I bought the new album "peace" too. 全てとても素晴らし曲でした。 It was all beautiful music. *They were all wonderful music. 私はその中でJoshがソロの"Faithful Heart"が大好きです。 I love "Faithful Heart"of the solo of Josh in that. *Within those songs, I love the song "Faithful Heart" the most which you sing a solo. "DEEP PEACE"も好きです。 I like "DEEP PEACE" too. 私は4月8日の東京でのコンサートに行きました。 I went to the concert in Tokyo on April 8th. *I went to the concert in Tokyo on 8th of April 4月8日の夜は、私にとって生涯忘れられない夜となりました。 The night of April 8th become one of the most unforgettable nights for me in my life. *The night in that day was the most unforgettable night in my life. あなたのソロはとてもうつくしかったです! Your solo was very beautiful! 私は感動して涙がとまらなかった。 I was impressed,and tears did not stop. *I was so impressed that I couldn't stop crying. Liberaの歌声を直接きいて、もっとLiberaとジョシュのことが大好きになりました。 Upon hearing your voices directly, we came to love Libera and Josh more. *By listening your songs and voice directly, I get to love Libera and Josh more and more. we?って誰となると思います。 本当に最高な夜だった。 It was really splendid night. ありがとう Thank you very much!!!!!!! 東京での観光はできましたか? Were you able to do sightseeing in Tokyo? *Were you able to go sightseeing spot in Tokyo? 東京タワーからの日本の眺めはどうでしたか? How about the view of Tokyo from Tokyo Tower? *How was the view from Tokyo Tower? 感想が聞きたいです。 I want to hear an impression. *I would like to hear your impression. 私の日本のオススメの食べ物は、たこ焼きです。 My recommended Japanese foods are "TAKOYAKI". *I recommend you the Japanese food called "TAKOYAKI" 中に小さいタコが入っています。 A small bogo enters in that. * A small octopus inside it. とてもおいしいです。 It is very delicious. 今度日本に来たら、食べてみてね! Please eat this time if You come to Japan! I strongly recommend you to have it when you come to Japan next time! 日本での公演の予定はありますか? Do you have any plans for a concert in Japan? *Do you have any plans to hold another concert in Japan in the future?
