RNA splicing is an essential, precisely regulated process that occurs after gene transcription and before mRNA translation. A gene is first transcribed into a pre-mRNA, which is a copy of the genomic DNA containing intronic regions destined to be removed during pre-mRNA processing
(RNA splicing), as well as exonic sequences that are retained within the mature mRNA. The splicing of pre-mRNA occurs in multicomponent molecular machines called spliceosomes, in which the two-step splicing reaction comprising intron removal and exon ligation takes place. To enable splicing to occur correctly, the positions of the exon–intron boundaries are marked by short consensus
sequences. There are less clearly defined sequences within the exons and the introns that positively or negatively regulate splicing (referred to as enhancer or
repressor sequences). As observed for transcriptional control, RNA splicing is subject to extensive regulation by signalling pathways.
During splicing, exons can either be retained in the mature message or targeted for removal in different combinations to create a diverse array of mRNAs from a single pre-mRNA, a process referred to as alternative RNA splicing. This process occurs in several ways including the skipping of entire exons, the inclusion of alternative exons, the use of different splice sites and/or the retention of introns. Alternative splice events that affect the protein coding region of the RNA might give rise to proteins that differ in their sequence and therefore in their activities. Alternative splicing within the non-coding regions of the RNA can result in changes in regulatory elements, such as translation enhancers or RNA stability domains, which might have a dramatic effect on the level of protein expression . Alternative RNA splicing is controlled by a large number of factors but the SR protein family, together with hnRNP A/B proteins, are key regulatory components. Given that as many as 60% of all human genes are alternatively spliced, the potential impact of alternative splicing on both drug efficacy and toxicity is high, because of the large number of genes
involved in drug response pathways.
(5)Given that as many as 60% of all human genes are alternatively spliced, the potential impact of alternative splicing on both drug efficacy and toxicity is high, because of the large number of genes
involved in drug response pathways.
1イントロン除去 2エクソン核酸連結なのはわかりますが150字の説明がまとまりません。
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