「補足」で出典を教えていただきましたので、Andrew Parker, “In the Blink of an Eye: How Vision Kick-started the Big Bang of Evolution” を見てみました。該当部分は以下のとおりでした。
The word “fossil” derives from the Latin, meaning something dug up. Until the eighteenth century, any unusual object dug out of the ground was known as a fossil. In medieval Europe crystals such as amethyst and ancient man-made arrowheads were considered fossils. To North American Indians, dinosaur bones were thought to be the bones of giants that once populated the earth. But what were they supposed to think? Today we are able to travel globally and enjoy the benefit of international knowledge. We are all familiar with tigers, elephants, emus, sharks and crocodiles even if we are unlikely to meet them all in their natural environments. But what might have been the thoughts of ancient Greek adventurers as they first set foot in Egypt, to be confronted by a crocodile? Such a creature would have been no more alien to the ancient Greeks than a dragon is to us today. Maybe Greek mythology was not so unbelievable in 500 BC. Or maybe thoughts of evolution were formulating in the minds of disparate, ancient people, as they were in those who lived nearer to the Darwinian age. Of course, any such thoughts must have been kept to the individual’s own self, and the safer option of mythology formulated.
(3)また、回答#9への「補足」で提供していただいた「全文」にある ”But what might have・・・” の部分が間違いなく模試の英文である(回答#17への補足より)とすると、よりいっそうこの模試の信頼性は揺るぎますね。
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