No region in Japan aspires to independence from the nation. Not yet, anyway. As an impossible dream, though, the idea has its attractions. The nation could at least become a bit less Tokyo-centric.
The way things are now, it is a case of one general left standing at the expense of a multitude of dead foot soldiers, as a Chinese poet of the 10th century once famously remarked. This is typically the situation in the Kanto region where Tokyo is located. To be sure, there are many large cities in the Kanto area. Yet Tokyo is so overwhelmingly dominant that, with the possible exception of Yokohama, everything else is pretty much in total eclipse.
(ジャパンタイムズ、’07年1月1日付け、’JAPANESE PERSPECTIVES---Dreaming of a Japan of United States’ 浜矩子(はまのりこ、同志社大学大学院教授))
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