次の( )の準動詞について,動詞の働きとして主部や補部はどのようになっているか,および全体として名詞的・形容詞的・副詞的のいずれとして働いているかを考えなさい。その上で,それぞれの働きを説明している選択肢の中から誤った記述を一つ選びなさい。
Just as the degree of individual freedom that exists in America seems loose and therefore uncomfortable to many visitors, foreign attitudes about (1)telling the exact truth often seem loose and uncertain to Americans. In many countries, people will tell you what they think you want (2)to hear, whether or not it is true. To them, this is the polite thing (3)to do. To Americans it is considered confusing - even dishonest - (4)to avoid (5)telling the true facts, even if (6)avoiding the truth is done only (7)to be polite. It is helpful (8)to remember that different cultures consider some matters more important than others. Americans are taught that “honesty is the best policy.” In other cultures, courtesy, family honor, and other values might be more important than honesty. With Americans, however, trust and truth are most important. One of the worst things that can be said about someone in America is that “You cannot trust him.”
(9)Considering such differences in values among the many cultures of the world, it is natural that misunderstandings will occur. “How far is it to the next town?” an American asks a man (10)standing by the edge of a road. In some countries, because the man realizes the traveler is tired and eager (11)to reach the next village, he will politely say, “Just down the road.” He thinks this is more encouraging, gentler, and therefore the answer the traveler wants (12)to hear. So, the American drives alone for many more hours before he comes to the village. The traveler is angry, feeling “tricked.” He thinks that the man has purposely lied to him because he must have known quite well what the distance was.
If a visitor to the United States asked an American (13)standing at the edge of a road how far the next town was, the American would think it dishonest if he said it was near when he knew it was really 24 miles away. Although he, too, would be sympathetic with the tired traveler, he would say, “You have a long way (14)to go yet; it is at least 24 miles more.” The traveler might be disappointed, but he would know what (15)to expect, and there would be no misunderstanding.
(3)the exact truthを補部に取っている。
(2)to hear
(3)to do
(4)to avoid
(3)the true factを補部に取っている。
(3)the truthを補部に取っている。
(4)even if の補部になっている。
(7)to be
(1)意味上の主部はavoiding the truthである。
(8)to remember
(3)such differencesを補部に取っている。
(2)意味上の主部はa manである。
(4)形容詞的にa manを修飾している。
(11)to reach
(2)意味上の主部はthe travelerである。
(3)the next villageを補部に取っている。
(12)to hear
(2)意味上の主部はthe travelerである。
(2)意味上の主部はan Americanである。
(14)to go
(3)a long wayを補部に取っている。
(4)a long wayを修飾している。
(15)to expect
なるほど。よくわかりました。which isが、省略されていたのですね。ジェンキンズのせりふから、ライターの言葉に移っていくところが難しかったです。 有難うございました。