- よろしくお願いします
I now haven’t talked to my ex in over six months, and the truth is, I miss him. He was my closest friend throughout college and after, and it’s just bizarre not to know even the broadest strokes of his current life. I’m not the type of person who has many “ex-friends.” I’m good at maintaining friendships over many years and across geographies. the broadest strokesとacross geographiesの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします
- in the pool of
I’m not even that fussed with marriage. Either that man is the right one or he’s not; marriage won’t change a thing about it. I’ve never wanted children, so I also have the benefit of having plenty of time. I joke, although I’m always at least half-serious, that I’ll find a life partner in the pool of divorcées, sometime in my 40s or 50s. ここでのin the pool of の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします
- 意味を教えてください
(1) Don’t get pregnant while you hate your job, you’ll be so hormonal and emotional, and pregnancy is supposed to be a happy time; (2) Get pregnant while you’re at this job and milk it for all it’s worth; milk it for all it’s worthの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします
- banking perks
My husband works for small companies and we rely on my job for the banking perks and job security, but he’s supportive of anything I wish to do. banking perks とはどのようなことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- 英文の意味を教えて下さい。
アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。 発送の件で相手からメールがきました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願い致します。 We are currently working in your order and AAA said we have a better freight forward company that ships to Japan. Once your order is ready i will ask for a quote and let you know the shipping amount.
- 英文を訳して下さい。
The ANZAC's were severely punished but they continued their advance, eventually bringing effective Hotchkiss fire onto the cliff. The prospect of the 3rd scaling the 200 metre cliff was not good, so they gave full opportunity to the Aucklanders. 1300: The 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment was ordered to support the 3rd. They advanced at the gallop, dismounted and rushed their horses back so quickly that the enemy though they had retreated. They fired on the horses; this enabled the 2nd to advance unharmed. Meanwhile, the 3rd had gained the bank. The Wellington's were thrown in to support the Aucklanders. The enemy was now under heavy fire. 1500: The New Zealanders rose and dashed up the slopes with the bayonet. The 3rd continued, but the Aucklanders were first in. Some Turks surrendered; others fled into the town. The 2nd and 3rd gave chase then fought off a counter-attack. At last the ANZAC's had secured the Hebron Road and Tel El Saba. Chauvel had not expected to lose as much time. He had already detached the 9th and 10th Regiments from the Australian Mounted Division in support of the ANZAC's. 1430: With the day on the wane, it was now neck or nothing; the time had come to commit the reserve. Chauvel issued decisive orders for the occupation of Beersheba. Brig. Grant of the 4th Australian Light Horse Brigade and Fitzgerald of the Yeomanry were at Headquarters; they pleaded for the honour of the charge. Put Grant straight at it was Chauvels terse order. 1630: The 4th and 12th Australian Light Horse Regiments drew up behind a ridge. From the crest, Beerhseba was in full view. The course lay down a long, slight slope which was bare of cover. Between them and the town lay the enemy defences. The 4th was on the right; the 12th was on the left. They rode with bayonets in hand. Each drew up on a squadron frontage. Every man knew that only a wild, desperate charge could seize Beerhseba before dark. They moved off at the trot, deploying at once into artillery formation, with 5 metres between horsemen. Almost at once the pace quickened to a gallop. Once direction was given, the lead squadrons pressed forward. The 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment and the Yeomanry followed at the trot in reserve. The Turks opened fire with shrapnel. Machine guns fired against the lead squadrons.
- 和訳をお願いします。
This was the most significant factor in the Battle of Beersheba, forcing Chauvel to commit his reserve - the Australian Mounted Division. In a preliminary operation, the British Infantry of XX Corps were to secure positions to the south-west astride the Khalasa-Beersheba Road. At Asluj and Khalasa the men of the Desert Mounted Corps watered; they carried three days rations. Despite great loads, the horses were touched with excitement. Smoking was forbidden and talking subdued. The bare hills of Sinai sounded with the beat of thousands of shod horses. They rode 30 kilometres through the night.30th October 1917 1800: Asluj and Khalasa were cleared. 31st October 1917 0555: 100 British guns opened in support of the preliminary operation. 0700: The Desert Mounted Corps halted, and patrols were pushed forward. Beersheba with its mosque was clearly in view; it offered no prize in rations or quarters, but something more coveted were the ancient wells to water those parched men and their Waler mounts. A large pool could be seen shimmering in the Wadi; there had been a storm on the 27th. 0830: The British rushed forward and captured their objectives to the south-west and brought forward their guns. 0900: The ANZAC's were ready to seize the road and the Tel. The enemy was observed reinforcing the Tel. 0930: The 2nd Brigade moved into artillery formation, advanced through a Bedouin camp, and thundered to the Hebron Road Sakati without slackening. Turkish batteries fired, but formation and ground gave them protection. With this task accomplished, they remained in a Wadi for the day. 1000: The Somerset Battery opened up on Tel El Saba from 3000 metres to cover the ANZAC assault. The 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment was ordered to attack from the south-east. A spirited gallop under heavy fire brought the 3rd to within 1500 metres of the enemy. They dismounted. The Auckland Regiment conformed to the north. The Inverness Battery gave covering fire to the Somersets as they galloped to within 1000 metres of the Tel.
- よろしくお願いします
He’s smart and witty, etc., and his tendency to not overthink plays to his benefit I’m sure. Sometimes I wonder, though, if he’s bringing enough to the table intellectually (for me). Like, can’t he overthink just some things? I’ve just always considered introspection a sign of intelligence (a hugely self-serving belief!). In times of doubt I find myself comparing him to other (usually older) guys who are better conversationalists and seem to have stronger worldviews. Guys who have deeply thoughtful advice. Anyway, maybe I’m asking him to hit my every marker, and that’s unfair. Because we are just so … easy. We are easy. Really. Except when I make it hard every once in a while with my circular thoughts. https://www.thecut.com/2015/04/ask-polly-am-i-settling.html 1 he’s bringing enough to the table intellectuallyの意味を教えてください。 2 hit my every markerとはどのような意味でしょうか? 3 circular thoughtsとはどのような意味でしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします
- 泥がつく二字熟語で集中する?みたいな意味の言葉
政治家が政治に●●するみたいな、使い方で泥がはいる二字熟語 だったと思うのですが、思い出せません。 どなたか教えてください。 宜しくお願いします。
- ベストアンサー
- 日本語・現代文・国語
- johnyangel
- 回答数1
- 英文に関しての質問
教授に「今日は6:30にここに衣装を持って来ればいいんですよね?」 と確認をしたいのですが、 I'm going to come here and bring my costume, right? でいいでしょうか? right?という表現がいいのか悪いのかわからず…。 失礼でないでしょうか? 特に問題なければいいのですが、もし文章おかしい、などあれば添削して欲しいです。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- topsakura_8520
- 回答数1
- 分詞構文?
Python lavatory humor. In 1989 they formed a shoestring company called Spumco. Just before the money ran out, they concocted some new gags for Kricfalusi's repellent cat and dog, and he pitched the show to anyone who would listen. "Watching John present an idea is like watching Robin Williams playing the part of Kirk Douglas," says an admiring Disney director. "[He doesn't talk, he explodes, acting all the parts, doing the sound effects, falling down, jumping up, waggling his beard, drawing, singing, laughing , crying. He's animation's irresistible force of nature.] の部分がよくわかりません。日本語訳と、できれば文法の解説をお願いします。he explodesはどういういみなのでしょうか。
- おかしな言い方ですか?
「左利きですか?」 「いえ、両利きです」 この「いえ、」はおかしいですか?左利きである事を完全否定していて右利きでしかない事になるのでしょうか?
- 締切済み
- 日本語・現代文・国語
- noname#229442
- 回答数4
- 英文契約の書冒頭部分について
Company A incorporated under the laws of France, and Company B incorporated under the laws of Japan, for itself and its subsidiaries and companies controlling or controlled by the party or by them, agree as follows: これは秘密保持契約の冒頭部分ですが、ここでfor itselfのforは「~を代表して」という意味でしょうか?また、いきなりthe partyとなっているのはちょっとおかしいような気もしますが、company Bのことを指しているのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。
- 韓国語でコインの表面
よろしくお願いします。 先日深夜放送で懐かしい「冬ソナ」をやってたので見てました。ユジンがコインを投げて「表が出た!」と言ってるんでうすが、表あるいは表面なら、「표」か「표면」と辞書には出てくるんですが、ユジンの言葉では「アンミョン」と聞こえました。ミョンは면でしょうが、この単語はなんでしょうか?つまらないことなんですが、気になって気になって…잘 부탁해요。