
  • 英文を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。新商品の事と支払いの事で相手にメールしたいです。すみませんが英文を教えて下さい。お願い致します。 「今回はずいぶんと新商品が少ないですね。 前回のあなたからのメールではこれらも(画像で添付します)入荷するとメールが来ましたが、入荷しないのですか? 追加注文するので月曜日まで待ってくれますか? 今回の新作のカタログをe-mailで送ってくれませんか? 支払いはいつも商品が到着してから支払っています。昨日届いたので本日手続きをします。お待たせしてすみません。」

  • 【大至急】英文メールのご添削

    入金督促してた取引先から(1)のメールがきました。 返信(2)をしたいのですが、もう少し上手く返したく、ビジネス上の英文メールとして文法的におかしな箇所や自然にした方が良い部分があり ましたら、訂正を宜しくお願い申し上げますm(_ _)m (1) Thank you very much for supporting us. I get an information from Account Payable team, and the invoice 201706 was paid on 20-Feb-2018 to the bank account number ending with 〇〇 I appreciate to keep waiting, and I deeply sorry about spending long time to pay. (2) Thank you very much for your confirmation. we have confirm your payment on invoice NO201706. Thank you for your patronage. 入金についてご確認頂きありがとうございます。 弊社側にて入金頂けたことを確認できています。 今後ともどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。

  • purgeの意味

    I could really, really use some advice. I don't know how to fix this problem and I'm seriously starting to fear for my health. The problem is, I don't even know if this is an actual problem or if I just have no self-control. Basically, I cannot stop eating. Even when I'm full, even when I've been sure my stomach is about to explode from how much food I've eaten. I have also struggled on and off with purging my food since my junior year of high school (I'm a freshman in college now). I never saw anyone for the purging because a) I just didn't have access to help and b) because it was so on and off that I just didn't think of it as something anyone would see as a serious problem. But now I am having a really serious problem with binging. ここでのpurgeはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

    • corta
    • 回答数3
  • 少年少女合唱団を英語でどういいますか。

    少年少女合唱団の英語が分かりません。可能性はいろいろ考えられるのですが、正解が分かりません。下記のどれか、またはその他の表現か。よろしくお願いします。 1) Boy and girl choir(chorus) 2) Boys and girls choir(chorus) 3) Boy's and girl's choir(chorus) 4) Boys' and girls' choir(chorus) 5) Boy and girl's choir(chorus) 6) Boys and girls's choir(chorus) 7) Boy-and-girl choir(chorus) 8) その他 よろしくお願いします。

    • 7powers
    • 回答数4
  • 中国語ってそんなにメリットありますか

    バイト先に中国出身のおばちゃんがいて、暇な時間などたまに中国語を習ったりしているのですが(大体3ヶ月目ぐらいです) まず四声が難しすぎて相手に伝わらない(文章になってないレベル)、運よく通じたとしても結局リスニングができないから何を言っているのかもわからない… もし旅行に行くとしても筆談+英語でなんとかなるような気がしないでもないのですが…

    • efrvbg
    • 回答数2
  • 英語の問題です。

    この長文の和訳と、()内に入る語句を次のうちから一つ選ぶならどれか教えてください! (a)fifty cents (b)one dollar (c)one dollar and fifty cents There once was a miser who lived near a river.When he bought something,he always wanted to get it at a lower price.One day he decided to go to the village across the river. To get to the opposite bank he must go by ferryboat. He went to the ferry and asked the boatman," how much is it to go across the river?" The boatman answered,"One dollar". The mister wanted to get a lower price."Fifty cents," he said. The boatman said that was not enough,but the mister got into the boat. The boatman rowed about halfway across the river.Then he stopped rowing and said,"The fare to come here is fifty cents.Please pay me the fare and get off the boat here." The miser was surprised and said,"I can't get off here." If you can't take me to the opposite bank for fifty cents, take me back to the first place." Than,without a word,the boatman began to row the boat back. At last the boat returned to the starting place. The boatman turned to the miser and said,"I took you on a fifty-cent trip as you asked, and then I bought you back here again. So now you must pay me ()"

  • 翻訳お願いします 分かる箇所だけで結構です

    (1)Since the online store is not yet online, the first drop will be slightly different and will require your presence at time of drop. (2)Since the current shop redirects you to the supreme homepage, the start timer will not be the best route to go. You can use it, but you would need to set it to open a couple seconds after the drop and even then the site may not have yet updated and you will be redirected to the homepage. (3)Keyword finder may or may not working depending on site changes, but manually clicking on items will most likely lead to the best odds on drop 1. IF you do wish to use the keyword finder you it will need to be timed correctly when you hit the save button, if you hit save and you are redirected to the supreme homepage, close the window and try again – timing will be key here (4)For JP codes will not be posted until after the UK drop – for this reason we recommend not using the keyword finder for the first drop. (5)Lastly, if this is your first season with us, all this may seem complicated but once you can actually use the bot and run tests you will quickly get a grasp of how it all works (6)Updates to the bot will begin after the first drop if needed, this tips above only apply to the first release. In the event that some features on the bot do not work, please rest assured that updates will begin immediately right after and be released for the following week.

    • ik2
    • 回答数2
  • 英語の台詞で

    キャラに 「もう一度言う。立ち去れ、今すぐにだ!」 的な事を言わせたいのですが、軽い脅しっぽい刺々しい口調の英文だとどう表現するのでしょうか。 教えてください。

  • 英文を教えて下さい。お願いします。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。私が注文した商品を再確認したいのですみませんが英文を教えて下さい。 「他にも注文したいと考えています。ですが、2重注文にならないようにしたいと思います。 私の注文した商品でまだ私に発送していない物のリストを送ってくれませんか? それらも3月末に発送になりますか?」

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Edmonds the Official Historian noted, On 26 March, the general direction of the two northern German Armies of attack, the 2nd and 17th, was still due west; the 18th Army opened fanwise, its northern boundary some six miles [10 km], south of the Somme at Peronne, running west, but its southern one near Chauny, pointing south-west.' In the north the '17th Army...met with very determined resistance, but it was hoped, with the aid of the 2nd Army on the south, which had not encountered so much opposition, and of new attacks – "Mars" and "Valkyrie"...on the north [towards Arras] that the 17th would be able to get going again." A gap in the British line near Colincamps was held by newly arrived elements of the New Zealand Division that had moved to the line Hamel–Serre to close the gap. They were assisted by British "Whippet" tanks which were lighter and faster than the Mark IVs. This was their first time in action. At around 13:00, "twelve Whippets of the 3rd Tank Battalion suddenly appeared from Colincamps, which they had reached at midday, and where there were only two infantry posts of the 51st Div. Debouching from the northern end of the village, they produced an instantaneous effect. Some three hundred of the enemy, about to enter it from the east, fled in panic. A number of others, finding their retreat cut off, surrendered to some infantry of the 51st Divn…" Despite this success German pressure on Byng's southern flank and communication misunderstandings resulted in the premature retirement of units from Bray and the abandonment of the Somme crossings westwards. To the south of the Somme the 1/1st Herts were: ... moved forward through CHUIGNES to a line in front of the CHUIGNES-FOUCACOURT road I support to the 117th and 118th Bdes. After covering their retirement the Bn fought a series of rearguard actions on the many ridges in front of the village of CHUIGNOLLES. In the afternoon the Bn occupied the PROYART-FROISSY road. Orders were given for the Bn to withdraw behind PROYART, astride the FOUCACOURT-MANOTTE road.”26 March 1918 French forces on the extreme right (south) of the line under the command of General Fayolle were defeated and fell back in the face of protracted fighting; serious gaps appeared between the retreating groups. Of the front between the Oise and the Somme, the French held 18 miles [29 km] and the British 19 miles [31 km].

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    They put little fight up and many Germans fell in the hand to hand fighting that lasted for around 20 minutes before the village was secured and the remaining enemy – that could get away – fled. Ten machine guns and 230 German prisoners were taken with very light casualties recorded by the Brigade; an incredible feat whatever way you view it. They dug in on the German side of the village amongst the cornfields and settled in for the night. Cooking limbers were even brought up and the idea of a quiet night gave the exhausted men a welcomed break from the extreme stress they had all been through in the past five days. Unfortunately, their rest did not last long. The RFC flew sorties at low altitude in order to machine-gun and bomb ground targets and impede the German advance. On 25 March, they were particularly active west of Bapaume. Rearguard actions by the cavalry in the Third Army slowed the German advance but by 18:00 Byng had ordered a further retirement beyond the Ancre. Through the night of 25 March, the men of the Third Army attained their positions but in the process gaps appeared, the largest of over 6 km (4 mi) between V and VI Corps. Sir Henry Wilson, the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, arrived at General Headquarters at 11:00 on 25 March, where they discussed the position of the British Armies astride the river Somme. Haig wanted at least twenty French divisions to help defend Amiens and delivered a message for the French Premier Clemenceau. The Doullens Conference took place the next day. Battle of Rosières, 26–27 March Day 6, 26 March The Allied conference took place on 26 March at Doullens. Ten senior Allied politicians and generals were present, including the French President, British Prime Minister, Minister of Munitions Winston Churchill, and Generals Pétain, Foch, Haig and Wilson. The result of the meeting was that General Foch was first given command on the Western Front and then made Generalissimo of the Allied forces. It was agreed to hold the Germans east of Amiens and an increasing number of French formations would reinforce the Fifth Army, eventually taking over large parts of the front south of Amiens. Ludendorff issued new orders on 26 March. All three of his armies were given ambitious targets, including the capture of Amiens and an advance towards Compiègne and Montdidier, which fell on 27 March.

  • 英語 箱詰め

    『それは、いくつかのカンと一緒に箱詰めされている』を、英語にするとどのような感じになりますか?イメージとしては、画像のような感じです。It is~、で表現したいです。お願いいたします。 ちなみに自分で考えたのは、It is boxed with some cans.です。

    • 0612abc
    • 回答数3
  • 英語 答え方

    Have you ever played, ``He love me, he loves me not´´? の答え方として、例えばですが、No I haven´t. Because I don't believe in fortune-telling. で、通じますか?お願いします。

    • 0612abc
    • 回答数1
  • 英作文

    『1つのコカ・コーラのカンが他のいくつかのコカ・コーラのカンに囲まれている』 という英文をItから始める英文を作るとしたら、 It is surrounded by many other Coka cans. みたいな感じになりますか?イメージとしては、画像のような感じです。『1つのコカ・コーラ』というのがいまいちどこに入れたらいいか分からないです。お願いします。 ちなみに、これはコカ・コーラで『ロマンチック』を表しています。

    • 0612abc
    • 回答数2
  • なんて読むんですか?


  • 英語のホームページ

    次のホームページの本の購入を考えてます。英語なので書いてある内容がクリアに理解できませんので質問します http://www.reinventingorganizations.com/purchase.html 知り合いにこの本のpdfをプレゼントしたいと思ってるのですが、そのようなことはできるのですか? (ファイルを見てください) また次のページにdonateと書かれてますが、この本の値段を自分で決めていいということなのですか?

  • なんと書けばいいですか?

    Those who kept warm relationship got to live longer and happier, said Wadinger, and the loners often died earlier. "Loneliness kills", he said. "It's as powerful as smoking or alcoholism". 上記の文に関して「Loneliness killsはas powerful as何と何だ、と言っていましたか?」という質問を作りたいのですが私が英文にしたものはどうもしっくりきません。「」内のようなニュアンスで英語にしていただけないでしょうか、お願いいたします。

  • 韓国語です。

    韓国語がよくわからないので、教えていただきたいです。 異性に「サランへ」と言う場合、「好き」以上の気持ちがある場合に使うのでしょうか? それとも、「チョアへ」と同じ感じで使っても良いのでしょうか? 回答お願い致します!

    • noname#230368
    • 回答数4
  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。欲しい商品があったのですが在庫について質問をしていました。返事が来たのですが専門用語などがありちょっと私にはわかりませんでした。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 all the xxx we received from 2018 collection are sold out, we don't have any piece left even for our website. For 2018 collection AAA please revise our digital catalog and I will see if we have any left over from our orders. As I mention before, we are giving priority to USA domestic orders first. So I will try to reserve the items you want before the container comes. For STR group we have an ETA for end of March. From your previous order here are the styles that you order: BBBB,CCCC Do you still want me to send you this items? Please let me know so I can reserve those pieces for you.

  • 英語の読書感想文で100字程度のものが載っているサ
