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For the last few months, I have been in a weird headspace. Before that, anxiety was threatening to take over my life, but now I have lost interest in everything I used to like, and all the people I used to hang out with have started feeling like nuisances. My therapist says it's because of stress, but . . . I'm not stressed. I'm not anything. I'm just sort of empty. Not the "Everything is terrible and I hate life" kind of empty. I just stopped having feelings for most of the things in my life. A girl I knew, her mother died over the winter break, and when she called to tell me, I couldn't even react, because I didn't really care (with lack of a better way to put it.) Furthermore—and this is the part that scares me a little—I have sort of stopped feeling that my actions can have consequences. There have been little things, like binging and hurling it up, but it has been getting worse. Several times, I have run across a busy street when I had the red light, to see if I was fast enough. I've jumped off of high walls and fences to see if I could break my fall. Last week, a friend and I went swimming in the city harbor, with no regard for the fact it was below freezing. hurling it upとbreak my fallの意味をお願いします。 below freezingは氷点下以下ということでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- call for time
During recitations, we have quizzes. When he’s given a quiz (sometimes when he’s still lying on the floor), he reads the questions out loud over and over again. When the TA calls for time, he starts yelling, “NO NO NO!” and starts sobbing loudly. http://community.sparknotes.com/2016/02/19/auntie-sparknotes-my-autistic-classmate-is-driving-me-nuts calls for timeというのはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
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I am also constantly paranoid that people are talking about me, which I have found out that they do, and often. They say things such as, "She doesn't deserve to be part of (specific group here)." My crush's best friend is the leader of most of these things. I care way too much about what people think about me. This also has lead to me thinking badly about myself. They think about me as lesser than them, I think that too. I actually start to speak up, or be myself, I do/say something stupid, and then I go back into my shell. I am constantly beating myself down with my thoughts. What do I do? think aboutをthink ofに変えるとどうニュアンスが違ってくるでしょうか?あと、They think about me as lesser than themの訳も教えてください。よろしくお願いします
- どのような意味でしょうか
To be quite honest, I'm having boy trouble, but not in the way that comes off. http://community.sparknotes.com/2016/03/15/auntie-sparknotes-my-friend-is-looking-at-me-in-a-sexual-way not in the way that comes offとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- 回想シーンの登場人物の呼称について
表現が上手くできなかったため、うまく伝わらないかもしれませんがご了承ください。 例えば、男女の馴れ初めを回想シーンとして表現するとします。男側が語り手です。 ★その男女は将来的には結婚することになります。 ★回想シーンではただの男と女で、付き合ってもいないし結婚してもいません。 以上2点を前提とします。 その回想シーンの地の文で 「この出会いが俺と妻の最初の出会いだった」みたいな出だしは良いと思えるのですが、 女が出てくる場合に、事あるごとに妻(嫁)が妻(嫁)がという表現ははたして適切なのでしょうか? 初めてのデートで、妻と映画館へ行った。 次のデートでちょっと高いお店へ食事に行った。妻はとても幸せそうだった。 のような感じです。 ・将来的に妻になるのだから、適当ではある。 ・回想シーンの時点では妻ではないのだから、妻と呼称するには違和感が強すぎて適切ではない。 どちらの考えも理解できるだけに、この表現が適切なのか不適切なのかが判断できません。 自分だったら固有名詞(仮名)(例:あきこ(仮名))を使うなり、最初の登場のときに(以下、妻表記)などをします。
- ベストアンサー
- 日本語・現代文・国語
- qdo0obp
- 回答数5
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Let's rewind to a week ago when I was hanging out with a guy I met over a social media app. We met up and hung out at his apartment, watched a movie, cuddled a little bit... and then spent several hours macking in the back of his car like the two thirsty college students we are. we areはなぜ必要なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
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Twenty months ago, I met the most wonderful girl. She is funny, adventurous, kind, successful and so beautiful. Our intimate life was amazing and we seemed to have a lot of chemistry. She seemed adventurous at first... even showed interest in all kinds of crazy HND, but as the relationship has progressed she wants to do less and less in bed. intimateは性的な意味合いを含むのでしょうか?それともただの「親しい」でしょうか?あと、HNDとは何でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- upward of
upward ofにはhttps://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=upward+of&ref=wlにあるように2つの意味があるようなのですが、どの文脈でも2通りに捉えられませんか?例えばBut she used my laptop recently, and she left her gmail account up, and I found out she's been sending upwards of $1500 per month to this guy in India.はどちらの意味になるのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- メドベージェバの名前
メドベージェバの名前がエフゲニアと表示されてました。Евгенияだと思うのですが、どうしてвが次に続くгеの影響を受け、エヴゲニヤにならないのですか? ф の発音のままなのでしょうか? ロシヤご表記に関しては、ツッコミどころ満載ですが、このвに関してのみ、お願いします。
- ベストアンサー
- その他(語学)
- alain13juillet
- 回答数4
- 英文を教えて下さい。
アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。限定品でどうしても欲しい物なので相手に詳しく説明したいと思っています。すみませんが下記の英文を教えて下さい。お願い致します。 現在入荷予定で確実に3月末に入荷する商品のリストをくれませんか? とりあえず、すぐに現在入荷済みの商品を注文します。 そして、3月末に入荷予定の商品も確認して注文します。
- 画像の漢字は何て書いてあるのでしょうか?
画像の漢字は何て書いてあるのでしょうか? 画本の描いた人かと思います。 よろしくお願いします。
- ベストアンサー
- 日本語・現代文・国語
- mark2mx40
- 回答数1
- 英文を訳してください
American Idol is a very popular TV prógram where people who want to become famous singers compete.
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This is kind of a weird story. My older brother was at a party, and my friend was there too. She confided in me later the next day that, while at the party, she gave a guy a blowjob, used a water bottle for spit/to wash it down, and then lent the water bottle to my older brother as a prank. She finds the whole ordeal hilarious, and she said I could tell him and that she doesn't care. But should I? On one hand, if I do, he will be MORTIFIED. It will really, REALLY bother him. I know if it were reverse, I'd probably start crying. I'd feel borderline sexually violated. 筆者はなぜordeal(試練)と言っているのでしょうか?borderline sexually violatedの意味もよろしくお願いします
- nativist の意味教えてください
下の文章の三段目のはじめにでてくるnativistとはどうゆう意味でしょうか? 辞書で調べてもなんかよくわからないんですが、重要な言葉ですのでこれが気になります。 Last October, a group of respected conservative thinkers from across the Continent published a manifesto titled “A Europe We Can Believe In.” It is, in many respects, a thoughtful, beautifully written document, a rhetorical mixture of national liberation movement discourse from the glory days of decolonization and a retrograde museum guidebook. The impression that the reader gets from this manifesto is that Europe’s conservatives are anti-imperial (the European Union is, they complain, an “empire of money and regulations”), anticolonial (“emigration without assimilation is colonization”) and defenders of the nation-state from the contempt of pro-European elites (who, they declare, are “blinded by vain, self-congratulating visions of a utopian future”). Believe it or not, the nativist revolution they call for resembles the left-wing uprisings of 1968. Like the protesters then, these intellectuals are not trying to simply win elections but to change the way people think and live. At the same time, however, precisely what they want is to undo the legacy of ’68 left behind in Europe. 元ネタ https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/21/opinion/europe-natavism-conservatism.html
- どのような意味でしょうか
To give you a gist of my overall schedule, I take one AP, two honors and three standard courses.http://community.sparknotes.com/2016/05/16/auntie-sparknotes-how-can-i-find-some-balance APとhonorsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
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I use to be obese, and this academic year has been the first one where I am now on the path to being healthy. My grades from first marking period were poor in major part due to the depression and self-confidence I lacked due to my weight, and my poor attempts at fad dieting. marking periodとin majorとfad dietingの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします