- 和訳をお願いします。
Following two raids east of the River Jordan by the EEF the first in March and second in April the defence of the valley became the responsibility of the Desert Mounted Corps. A German and Ottoman force attacked the Australian Light Horse units defending the heights at Mussallabeh and Abu Tellul on the edge of the Judean Hills, while a German force attacked those defending the Wadi Mellaha midway between Abu Tellul and the Jordan River. As these attacks were taking place on the western bank of the river, on the eastern side the Ottoman Caucasus Cavalry Brigade deployed two regiments, to attack the bridgeheads at the fords of El Hinu and Makhadet Hijla. However, the Ottoman formation was overwhelmed by a combined force of British and Indian troops before it could launch its attack. These were the last attacks against the British forces in this campaign.The attack commenced with long-range artillery shelling from both sides throughout the night, then 17 German aircraft bombed the Jordan Valley garrison at 04:00 in the morning of Sunday 14 July, causing dozens of casualties. Attack on the Abu Tellul and Mussallebeh salient Movements were heard between Vale and View posts defended by the 3rd Light Horse Regiment just after 01:00 when the regimental commander ordered an artillery barrage in front of Vale post. Ottoman artillery also started shelling Mussallabeh and Abu Tellul. This bombardment ceased about 02:30 when the movement of many Ottoman units was again heard by the defenders. These were the German 702nd and 703rd Battalions, one company of the 11 Regiment Jäger Battalion and one company of the 146th Regiment. This force was supported on the left by the 32nd Regiment attacking Mussallabeh, and on the right by the 163rd and 58th Regiments facing Abu Tellul, with 2nd Regiment forming a reserve in the rear. At 03:30 the Mussallabeh salient protecting the Wadi el Auja was attacked by 1,250 Germans in two and a half battalions. Just before the attack began, the regimental commander of 2nd Light Horse Regiment withdrew his headquarters, located just behind Vale position, which was the first position attacked, narrowly escaping capture to Abu Tellul West where they established and maintained their position throughout the attack. The 2nd Light Horse regimental commanding officer observed from his new position on Abu Tellul West, just before dawn, a large body of troops coming up the hill towards his twelve-man post.
- 日本語訳をお願い致します。
The Battle of Le Hamel, a successful engagement launched by the Allies on 4 July 1918, was of itself a small action, but was a necessary precursor to further advances by Sir Henry Rawlinson's Fourth Army on the Western Front. Sponsored Links It was the latest in a series of local actions conducted by the Allies to end in success, and came at a time when the offensive morale of the German army was starting to fall; at the same time the Germans were falling prey to the worldwide influenza pandemic, with severe results in the confined trench environment. The attack was intended to straighten the salient opposite Rawlinson's British Fourth Army east of Amiens (occupied by Georg von der Marwitz's Second Army) by capturing Le Hamel and its flanking woods. This would remove the danger that subsequent large-scale artillery operations conducted by Rawlinson would suffer exposure to German flanking fire. The operation was overseen by new Australian commander John Monash and executed by his 4th Division. In planning the action Monash - an advocate of so-called 'peaceful penetration' - made effective use of both massed machine guns and heavy tanks (some 60 of the latter) while ensuring absolute secrecy in planning. He also eschewed the usual tactic of preliminary bombardment, which invariably served only to warn the enemy that an attack was imminent. The operation was not however exclusively an Australian affair; four U.S. companies, currently training with the Australians, were also drafted in. When launched on 4th July 1918 with a co-ordinated barrage of tanks, artillery and warplanes, the Australians and Americans found the lines opposite to be only lightly defended, and the attack caught the Germans entirely by surprise. Both Le Hamel and its woods were easily taken by the Australians and Americans in just 93 minutes, and the German line effectively straightened, the salient removed. Casualties among the Allies were at the cost of approximately 1,000 men. In turn the Allies captured some 1,500 German prisoners. Hamel アメルと読むらしいです。ハーメルでしょうか? The Battle of Abu Tellul (called the Affair of Abu Tellul by the British Battles Nomenclature Committee) was fought on 14 July 1918 during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of World War I after German and Ottoman Empire forces attacked the British Empire garrison in the Jordan Valley. The valley had been occupied by the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) from February 1918 when Jericho was captured.
- 英文を訳して下さい
However, the Italian General recognized that the same tactic, that proved so effective on defence, prevented an immediate offence, as the Italian formations at that time were too scattered and mixed up to be effectively coordinated in a decisive assault. Moreover, once the Italian Army crossed the river, they would have to face the same logistic problems as the Austrians. For these reasons, in the subsequent days, only limited actions were fought to gain better start positions for the decisive assault. On the other side, the Battle of the Piave River was the last great military offensive of Austria-Hungary. A clear failure, the operation struck a major blow to the army's morale and cohesion and had political repercussions throughout war-weary Austria-Hungary. The battle signaled the end of its army as a fighting force and the beginning of the internal political collapse of the multi-ethnic Austro-Hungarian Empire, which was finished off at the Battle of Vittorio Veneto four months later. Italy (Armando Diaz) (west to east) 7th Italian Army (Giulio Cesare Tassoni) 1st Italian Army (Guglielmo Pecori Giraldi) 6th Italian Army (Luca Montuori) 4th Italian Army (Gaetano Giardino) 8th Italian Army (Enrico Caviglia) 3rd Italian Army (Duke of Aosta) 9th Italian Army (Paolo Morrone) : in reserve. Austria-Hungary (Arthur Arz von Straußenburg) (west to east) Army Group Conrad (or Armygroup Tirol) (Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf) 10th Army (Alexander von Krobatin) 11th Army (Viktor Graf von Scheuchenstuel) Army Group Boroević (Svetozar Boroević) 6th Army (Archduke Joseph of Austria) 5th Army (or Isonzo Army) (Wenzel Freiherr von Wurm) Today, to the Italian public two mottos recall the battle: those written as graffiti upon broken walls of destroyed rural houses: "E' meglio vivere un giorno da leone che cent'anni da pecora" ("[It] is better to live one single day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep") and "Tutti eroi! O il Piave o tutti accoppati" ("Everyone a hero! Either (we hold) the Piave, or let all of us get killed"). The two pieces of wall are preserved in the military shrine of Fagarè della Battaglia, a frazione of San Biagio di Callalta. The battle is described in Andrew Krivak's novel, "The Sojourn". The battle is mentioned in the André Aciman's novel and film Call Me by Your Name. The scene in the film takes place overlooking a memorial to the victims of the battle. The memorial is located in the city of Pandino
- 難解な日本語をアホでも分かる日本語に翻訳してくださ
難解な日本語をアホでも分かる日本語に翻訳してください。 「サザンカリフォルニア発のアイコニックでオーセンティックなデザインに、コンテンポラリーなテイストを融合した、モダンライフスタイルです」 まずカルフォルニアとサザンカルフォルニアの違いから説明してください。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- gasshop2017
- 回答数5
- 学生の制服の名前について
日本語を勉強中の中国人です。日本の学生の制服の左胸のところに普通名前をつけていますか。この前日本の町で中学生か高校生の姿の男子生徒に出会い、そうでした。うろ覚えですが、苗字だけのようです。これは普通のことでしょうか。なぜ名前を表示しますか。 また、質問文に不自然な日本語の表現がありましたら、それもご教示いただければ幸いと存じます。よろしくお願いいたします。
- ベストアンサー
- 日本語・現代文・国語
- awayuki_china
- 回答数6
- 品番にするか、型番にするか悩んでおります。
ハンドメイド品を製作、販売しているのですが、 商品点数が増えてきたので、品番か型番をつけたいと考えております。 ホームページで「品番(又は型番)○○-□□-△△」のように記載する予定です。 ハンドメイド品ですが、色違い、サイズ違いの商品もあれば、 全く種類が違う商品もあります。 それらの商品に番号をつける場合、 品番と型番のどちらが良いでしょうか? ご回答よろしくお願い致します。
- ベストアンサー
- 日本語・現代文・国語
- pahyu01
- 回答数3
- 【英語が喋れない人に質問です】海外旅行に言って現地
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- gasshop2017
- 回答数5
- 【英語】空港の入国ゲートでのやり取り
【英語】空港の入国ゲートでのやり取り 1.「今回の旅行目的は?」 2.「観光です」 3.「滞在期間は?」 4.「6日です」 これを英語にしてください。 皆さんはどう回答してますか? 5.「ツアー旅行です」 とかどんな言い方してるか教えてください。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- gasshop2017
- 回答数3
- どのような意味でしょうか
My fenced-in backyard backs up to a large empty field. The neighborhood kids usually play soccer and run around there. My fenced-in backyard backs up to a large empty field.はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- innuendo
My wife was a student teacher while I was in high school. We never had any classes in common and barely knew each other existed. We didn’t meet and get married until our parents introduced us at a church bingo. How do I stop the stupid student-teacher innuendo? ここでのinnuendoはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- グローバル化と日本語
23歳男性です。社会人です。最近思うことがあります 我々日本人が普段から使っている日本語が「日本語ではなくなってきている」のではないか? と憂えていることです。こう思うのって私だけでしょうか?? グローバル化も浸透して英語の教育に一層力を入れてきている。その他「エモい」や「まじ卍ー」などの若者言葉という別のベクトルまでいつのまにか登場し、インターネットやSNSの普及による後押しもあってか、知らない間に言語が変わっていきていることに驚きと懸念を禁じ得ません。 私が思うに、日本が本当の意味でグローバル化に力を入れていたのは、明治維新の頃ではないかと推測します。 とある教育番組で知ったのですが、日本人は列強国と肩を並べるために、それまで訳せなかった外国語の言葉を全て日本語に翻訳することに注力して教育の質を高めた。そのおかげで日本人は、高い識字率と幼少期から大学までの授業を全て日本語で学べるという教育システムを完成させることが出来た、というわけです。 それなのに今日では、上記したような和製英語の進化系? 造語? 略語? が当たり前のように使われるようになって、今まで何気なく使っていた日本語が「日本語じゃない日本語」に変わっていって、その「日本語じゃない日本語」が普及していくという流れになっていく……「これも時代か」と自分に言い聞かせるも、やはり解せないというか。なんだろう、日本人に生まれたからには綺麗な日本語を使うべきではないかな? と個人的に思います。 まあこんな事を主張したところで、社会という巨大なうねりを変えることなど出来ないのですが……幸いなことに、そういう謎の言葉を使う人は私の周りにはいないのでホッとしています。 それから、私は私なりにSNSをやらず読書に勤しんだり、毎日500文字以上の日記を手書きで書いたりして「綺麗な日本語」を忘れないようにしています。そうやって先人たちが苦労して作り上げた功績を読んで、書いて、聞いて、話して、感じて、いつか自分が死ぬときに「ああ、日本人として生まれて良かった」と言い残して死にたいです。
- 締切済み
- 日本語・現代文・国語
- mugichocooooo
- 回答数9
- 「あなたアンケートの意味分かってるの?!」って言わ
「あなたアンケートの意味分かってるの?!」って言われたんですが、アンケートって質問っていう意味じゃないんですか? 質問の細分カテゴリーが分からないときはアンケート(質問)カテゴリーに全部投稿してるんですけど。 アンケートって英語で質問っていう意味ですよね?違うのですか?
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- america2028
- 回答数4
- The 比較級~、the 比較級~の文について
★特に目的語の名詞がからんできたらわかりにくくなります。 形容詞+名詞のカタチがあるときは、それをくずしてはならないと習いました。 1) The more you buy something, the more you spend money. の例文で (1) You buy something more, you spend more money.と考えられます。 →? The something more you buy, the more money you spend. ってできるのでしょうか? 2) The more you have, the more you want. の例文で (1)You have many things, you want many things. (2) You have more things, you want more things. (3) The more (things) you have, the more (things) you want.という意味で2)の例文があると考えるのであっていますか? 3)The worse situation I'm in, the more deeply I breathe.などとI'm in a bad situation.でbadを比較級で強調した形で作った上の例文はあってますでしょうか? 補語にあたる形容詞や副詞がthe 比較級で文頭に来るカタチは理解できたのですが、形容詞のついた名詞のセットや関係代名詞のカタチみたいな(the worse I'm in)のになったらとたんにわからなくなります。教えてください。