We walked round the new concrete verge of the old lake, and she continued the story of how she was led to give up general medical practice and take up psychology; and I looked at her as she spoke, through my dark glasses, and because of the softening effect these have upon things I saw her again as I had seen her looking up from the lake, and again as in my childhood.
Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。
because of the softening effect these have upon things I saw her again as I had seen her looking up from the lake, and again as in my childhood.の英文がわからないのですが、
●as I had seen her looking up from the lakeのasと
as in my childhoodのasは、
because of the softening effect 、軟化効果のために、という出だしはわかるのですが。
"Must you wear those glasses?"
"Well, yes. The glare."
"The wearing of dark glasses," she said, "is a modern psychological phenomenon. It signifies the trend towards impersonalization, the weapon of the modern Inquisitor, it--"
"There's a lot in what you say." But I did not remove my glasses, for I had not asked for her company in the first place, and there is a limit to what one can listen to with the naked eye.
domestic sustain ability equity managers. の構文が摑めせんでした。sustainは動詞で,sustainability なら持続可能性ですが,そうは読めません。サスティナビリティの記載ミスとして,エイヤーで「これらのインデックスは,国内の持続可能性のある株式マネジャーのための選択の世界と成果のベンチマークとしての役割を果たすことができる。」と試訳しましたが,これで宜しいのでしょうか。ご指導宜しくお願い申し上げます。