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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:添削してください)

Why Gun Possession is Important in Low-Population Areas

  • In the United States, especially in low-population areas such as rural regions, it can take a significant amount of time for the police to arrive when someone's body or property is at risk.
  • In order to protect their lives and property, individuals in these areas must take matters into their own hands by practicing self-defense, and for this purpose, gun possession is considered essential.
  • The conditions in the United States make gun ownership more likely to be supported, especially in areas with low population density.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

以下のとおりお答えします。 >In the United States with a vast territory, even if they call the police when their body or property are harmed in the countryside, it will take a considerable amount of time to arrive the police. *「人口密度の低い地域」areas with low population density。「自らの身体や財産に危害が及びそうになった場合に」when their body or property is harmed(A or Bの後の動詞活用はBに一致)。「(警察を呼んでも)到着までに相当な時間を要する」it takes a considerable time for the police to arrive。「自警する必要がある」it is necessary (for them) to self-police。 ⇒In the United States with a vast territory, even if they call the police when their body or property is harmed in the countryside/in areas with low population density, it takes a considerable time for the police to arrive, so it is necessary (for them) to self-police. >That is why they need to protect our lives, and for that purpose guns are indispensable. *「どうしても銃を所持することが必要である」they need to have guns at any cost。「独力で自分自信の命を守るために」to protect their own lives for themselves。 ⇒That is why they need to have guns at any cost to protect their own lives for themselves. >Thus, there are conditions under which gun possession is likely to be supposed in the United States. *「支持されやすい」is likely to be supported。 ⇒Thus, there are conditions under which gun possession is likely to be supposed/supported in the United States.



「人口密度の低い地域」=なんとなく表現方法はわかるのですが、文章が長くなればなるほど、どうしたらいいのかテンパります。笑 自警はそのままself-policeなんですね。 it takes にwillはいらないんですね。 確かに、ここから歩いてどれくらいかかる?と聞かれ答える時willは使わないですもんね。 「どうしても銃を所持することが必要である」 >any cost。これは思いつきませんでした!そういう表現方法もあるのですね! その他も大変参考になりました!! ありがとうございます。
