Having a gun allows individuals to overcome physical disadvantages and compete against those who are physically stronger.
This argument is particularly prominent among some feminists.
However, it is important to consider the broader debate on gun control and its implications.
However, if they have a gun, they will be able to compete against them who are physical strength.
In other words, it is possible to match for inferior in physical strength and ahead of them.
Such claims are persistent among some gun control opposers.
>However, if they have a gun, they will be able to compete against them who are physical strength.
*「体力に勝る者」はthose who have physical strength、またはthose who are physically strongとなります。「~に対抗する」は、compete againstでもいいですが、equal「匹敵する」とすれば少し穏やかな表現になりますね。
⇒However, if they have a gun, they will be able to compete against/equal those who have physical strength / who are physically strong.
>In other words, it is possible to match for inferior in physical strength and ahead of them.
*これでは、上の文の主客を入れ替えただけの(同じことを逆から言った)表現になってしまいます! 思い切って別の言い方を考えましょう。
⇒In other words, the weak can make up for their weak point /inferiority with guns.(つまり、弱者は、銃があれば自分の弱点/劣るところを補うことができるのである。)
>Such claims are persistent among some gun control opposers.
⇒Such claims are persistent among some gun control objectors and also among some feminists.(このような主張は、一部の銃規制反対者やフェミニストの間でも根強い。)
大変わかりやすい解説ありがとうございます。 対抗する、という言葉を検索するとequalというのも出てきたのですが、こちらの方が少し穏やかな言い回しになるんですね! 知らなかったです。 そして2文目はやはり同じことを逆に言っているだけだったんですね…。 その他も添削ありがとうございます! 大変わかりやすかったです!!