Distinction: a social critique of the judgement of taste 著者: Pierre Bourdieu
(1)文のtheir qualificationsのtheir はなにを指しているのでしょうか。
(2)文の'when they themselves were still excluded from it'なにを除外されるときなのでしょうか。
また、they はothers を指しているのでしょうか。
(5)文のcollective disillusionmentの訳は、共通の幻滅となるのでしょうか。
collective disillusionmentが、work への不満の源である、とはどういう意味でしょうか。
social identityの訳は、社会的な個性となるのでしょうか。
on an temporary basis とはなにを指しているのでしょうか。
(1)In a period of 'diploma inflation' the disparity between the aspiration that the educational system
produces and the opportunities it really offers is a structural reality which affect all the members of a
school generation, but to a varying extent depending on the rarity of their qualifications and on their
social origins. (2)Newcomers to secondary education are led, by the mere fact of having access to it, to
expect it to give them what it gave others at a time when they themselves were still excluded from it.
(3) In an earlier period and for other classes, these aspirations were perfectly realistic since they
corresponded to objective probabilities, but they are often quickly deflated by the verdicts of the
scholastic market or the labor market. (4) One of the paradoxes of what is called the 'democratization
of schooling' is that only when the working classes, who had previously ignored or at best vaguely
concurred in the ideology of 'schooling as a liberating force, actually entered secondary education, did
they discover schooling as a conservative force, by being relegated to second-class courses or
eliminated.(5)The collective disillusionment which results from the structural mismatch between aspiration
and real probabilities, between the social identity the school system seems to promise, or the one it
offers on temporary basis, and the social identity that the labor market in fact offers is the source
of the disaffection towards work, that refusal of finitude?, which generates all the refusals and
negation of the adolescent counter-culture.
文脈からもsegregationistではおかしいのですね! 正しいと言っていただけて安心しました。 ありがとうございます。