• ベストアンサー
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A Hot Friendship Story: Embroidery and the Fear of Loss

  • This movie tells a heartfelt story of friendship between two contrasting women.
  • A scene where Himiko asks Momoe to embroider her clothes becomes a significant turning point for Momoe, who has always lived alone.
  • Furthermore, Himiko entrusts Momoe with a special uniform as valuable as her own life. Through this experience, Momoe realizes the true worth of friendship and the fear of losing a friend.


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

> This movie is a hot friendship story between the extreme women. ⇒ This movie is about an intense friendship between two women of antithetical characters. (1) ~ is about ~. 「~は~についてだ。」/「~のテーマは~だ。」 (2)「 熱い」友情。Hot よりも "Intense" または "Passionate" の方が良いかも。 (3)「両極端」。"antithetical characters" (正反対の性格) > There is a scene that Momoe asked Himiko to embroider your clothes. ⇒ There is a scene where Himiko asks Momoe if she would let Himiko embroider her clothes. (1) 文脈から英文におけるモモコとヒミコが入れ替わっていると判断しました。 (2) 映画のシーンの中での話をしている場合、ストーリーは現在進行形なので、"asked" は "ask" になります。 > It is a big change for Momoe, which has been living alone until then. Then, Himiko leaves Momoe clothe as important as life for her. ⇒ It is a big change for Momoe, who has lived a lone life till then. Momoe subsequently entrusts her clothes, which to her is as important as her own life. (1) ここでもまた、ヒミコとモモエが入れ替わっているようです。 (2) "a lone life" 「孤立した人生」 (3)「預ける」"entrust" (4) "which to her is" 「それは彼女にとって」 > As needed by someone, Momoko is aware of the value of a friend, and she noticed the fear of losing her friend. ⇒ Realizing that she is being needed by someone, Momoe becomes aware of the value of having a friend, and becomes fearful of losing her friend.



詳しく説明していただき、ありがとうございます!!>< 熱い友情は"Intense" または "Passionate" で表すことができるんですね! そして⇨映画のシーンの中での話をしている場合、ストーリーは現在進行形なので、"asked" は "ask" になります。 すごく納得です! それでも、また過去形にしてしまいそう…です笑。 勉強になりました!! ありがとうございます!
