A person who does not appear in the original novel appears in this movie
A person who does not appear in the original novel appears in this movie. Find out the intention behind the director's decision.
Did Momoe mature through this story? Explore the growth in her character and the friendships she forms.
A man who sells vegetables on a mini pickup plays an unexpected role in this movie. Discover the director's intention behind this choice.
A person who does not appear in the original novel appears in this movie.
A man who sells vegetables on a mini pickup.
What kind of intension did the directer made this person appear in?
Did Momoe mature through this story?
Certainly, Momoe has no friends.
However, she encountered another person who is Gyaru, and nurtured friendship.
And she got up to help Himiko by putting up her body.
So it may be possible to think that Momoe has "mature".
では、モモエはこの物語を通して「成長」したのだろうか。確かに、モモエには友達が 1 人もいなかった。だが、ギャルという自分とは異なる他者と出会い、友情を育んでいった。そして、体を張って彼女を助けるまでになった。だから モモエは「成長」したのだ、という考え方もできるかもしれない。」
>A person who does not appear in the original novel appears in this movie.
⇒「さて」Now/Wellも入れましょう。「この映画には」を強調するために倒置構文にすると口調もよくなります。「原作に登場しない人物」は、a person who didn't appearと過去形にした方がいいですね。ただしappearは2回目ですから省略できます。
→Now/Well, in this movie appears a person who didn't (appear) in the original novel.
>A man who sells vegetables on a mini pickup.
⇒「それが(売る男)である」は、That's ~でいいでしょう。
→That's the man who sells vegetables on a mini pickup.
>What kind of intension did the directer made this person appear in?
⇒「どのような意図で」はWith what kind of intensionと、「監督はこの人物を登場させた」はdid the directer make this person appear(madeでなくmakeにご注意)としましょう。この疑問に対する回答はだいぶあとに出るようなので、Let's think about it later.「それはあとで考えましょう。」という文言をカッコつきで入れてもいいですね。
→With what kind of intension did the directer make this person appear?
(Let's think about it later.)
>Did Momoe mature through this story?
⇒「では」And/Well thenを行頭に入れましょう。
→And/Well then, did Momoe mature through this story?
>Certainly, Momoe has no friends.
→Certainly, Momoe had no friends.
>However, she encountered another person who is Gyaru, and nurtured friendship.
⇒「だが、あるとき~」は、However, once ~としましょうか。「ギャルという他者」は、another person called Gyaruでいいでしょう。「(彼女らは)友情を育んでいった」は、they were going to nurture /foster friendshipのようにすることをお勧めします。
→However, once she encountered another person called Gyaru, and they were going to nurture /foster friendship.
>And she got up to help Himiko by putting up her body.
⇒「体を張って」は、with all her body and soul「全身全霊で」の方が、「彼女を助けるまでになった」は、was getting up to help her「助けるようになっていった」の方がいいような気がします。
→And then, she was getting up to help her/Himiko with all her body and soul.
>So it may be possible to think that Momoe has "mature".
⇒「『成長』した」は、現在完了形has "matured"(matureの過去分詞maturedを使う)とすべきでしょうね。
→So, it may be possible to think that Momoe has "matured".
「体を張って」は、with all her body and soul⇨このような表現方法もあるんですね!
回答ありがとうございます! 詳しく説明していただき大変分かりやすかったです。 勉強になりました。 「体を張って」は、with all her body and soul⇨このような表現方法もあるんですね! 添削していただいた文章を使わせていただきます!!