• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:教授へのメールの返信(英語))

Where can I print out the document?

  • I received an email from the professor asking me to print out a document for class. As a new student, I don't know where I can print it. I sent an email asking where I can print the document, stating that I would like to print it out and asking for assistance.
  • The professor replied with instructions on how to access the document. However, I currently live in a dormitory and cannot print it in my room. Therefore, I drafted another email to inform the professor about my situation and ask if there is a place where I can print.
  • I replied to the professor's email, thanking them for their reply and explaining that I am unable to print the document in my room. I asked if they could suggest a place where I can print it.


  • ベストアンサー

メールの場合、返信などではすぐに用件に入って大丈夫です。 プリンターを持っていないのと、学内でプリントすればよいのか分からないので教えて欲しいという文を下記にのせておきます。*XXの部分にプロフェッサーの名前と*XXXの部分に自分の名前をいれてください。( )内は必要ない文章ですが、教授がなぜ自分にこんなこと聞いてくるのか?という疑問を持つのではと思ったのでお節介ながら加えてます。この部分を含めるか含めないかはお好きにどうそ。 Thank you for your reply, *Professor XX. I was not clear about my problem in my previous email. My problem is I don't have a printer. Also I don't know where there is a printer on the campus that I can use. I would appreciate if you could tell me where I can print out the required papers, from my computer in school or other places. (I'm sorry to bother you about this kind of basic things. I'm new to school. English is not my native language. I'm having some difficulty to do the required things by myself. I would appreciate your help.) Thank you, *XXX



早急に回答していただきすごく助かりました! また文も補足していただき、ありがとうございます。 いただいた回答で教授に早速返信しました。 ありがとうございます。
