• ベストアンサー


[H]aving secured these high seats [Vimy, Monchy and Croisailles] and enthroned ourselves, it is not necessarily easy to continue the rapid advance. An attack down the forward slope of high ground, exposed to the fire of lesser slopes beyond, is often extremely difficult and now on the general front ... there must intervene a laborious period, with which we were familiar at the Somme, of systemic hammering and storming of individual positions, no one of which can be attacked until some covering one has been captured". The German press reacted similarly. The Vossische Zeitung, a Berlin daily newspaper, wrote: "We have to count on reverses like that near Arras. Such events are a kind of tactical reverse. If this tactical reverse is not followed by strategical effects i.e., breaking through on the part of the aggressor, then the whole battle is nothing but a weakening of the attacked party in men and materiel." The same day, the Frankfurter Zeitung commented: "If the British succeed in breaking through it will render conditions worse for them as it will result in freedom of operations which is Germany's own special art of war". General Ludendorff was less sanguine.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12614)

>[H]aving secured these high seats [Vimy, Monchy and Croisailles] and enthroned ourselves, it is not necessarily easy to continue the rapid advance. An attack down the forward slope of high ground, exposed to the fire of lesser slopes beyond, is often extremely difficult and now on the general front ... there must intervene a laborious period, with which we were familiar at the Somme, of systemic hammering and storming of individual positions, no one of which can be attacked until some covering one has been captured". ⇒(「タイムズ紙」のコメント・続き)わが軍が、これら高地〔ヴィミー、モンチー、クロワセーユ〕の中枢部を確保して玉座を占め、迅速な前進を続けることは必ずしも簡単ではありません。前面傾斜の砲火に晒された高地の先の、よりなだらかな傾斜地を下から攻撃するのは、極めて難しいのですが、現在の前線はそれが一般的で…ソンムでよく知られた苦労の期間が介入するに違いありません。それは個々の陣地の組織立った打撃と襲撃の期間ですが、(それとて)掩護隊が攻略されないうちは、いかなる陣地も攻撃されることはあり得ません」。 ※この段落は構文が掴みきれません。誤訳があるかも知れませんが、その節はどうぞ悪しからずご了承くださいますように。 >The German press reacted similarly. The Vossische Zeitung, a Berlin daily newspaper, wrote: "We have to count on reverses like that near Arras. Such events are a kind of tactical reverse. If this tactical reverse is not followed by strategical effects i.e., breaking through on the part of the aggressor, then the whole battle is nothing but a weakening of the attacked party in men and materiel." The same day, the Frankfurter Zeitung commented: "If the British succeed in breaking through it will render conditions worse for them as it will result in freedom of operations which is Germany's own special art of war". ⇒ドイツの報道機関は、同じように反応した。ベルリンの日刊紙「フォスィッヘ新聞」はこう書いた:「我々は、アラスの近くで、逆転を当てにしなければなりません。そのような出来事は、一種の戦術的な逆転です。この戦術的な逆転の後に、例えば、侵略者の側を突破するというような、戦略的な影響結果が続くのでないならば、戦い全体が被攻撃側を兵士と物資両面で弱体化させるだけに他なりません」。同じ日に、「フランクフルト新聞」はこうコメントした:「英国軍が突破することに成功するならば、ドイツ軍の自前の特別兵法である活動の自由を結果するので、それは彼らにとってはより悪い状況を生み出すことになるでしょう」。 >General Ludendorff was less sanguine. ⇒ルーデンドルフ将軍は、それほど楽天的ではなかった。



