聞き取れなかった部分を教えていただけますでしょうか。間違い部分の訂正もしていただけると幸いです。またif not of ...(正しく聞き取っていないかもしれませんが)とはどのような意味になるのでしょうか。
What a year you had last year.
The finalists of US Open really are plenty of interest in Japan.
You've got the national Broadcast following this year as well as(???) NHK.
(???)Plenty of people are watching around the world.
#5 in the world now, if not of the Raonic, Wawrinka, Djokovic the US Open.
You must be pretty confident now, leading to another four Ground (????)
What a year you had last year.
A finalist IN THE US Open. THERE ARE really A plenty of interestS in Japan.
You've got the national Broadcast following YOU this year as well as NHK.
THERE ARE A plenty of people watching YOU around the world.
#5 in the world now, if not of the Raonic, Wawrinka, Djokovic the US Open.
You must be FEELING pretty confident now, leading to another four Ground SLAMS THIS YEAR.
ありがとうございました。There areがまったく聞けていませんでした。英文をみながら聞きなおしましたが、音としてやはり聞こえませんでした。これが聞けるようになるのは慣れなのでしょうか。