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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:添削 英語)
Why Do Lodgings Always Hate Their Lodgers?
- Lodgings always seem to hate their lodgers, despite wanting their money. They view them as intruders and have a strangely jealous attitude.
- This hostility is a result of the system in which lodgers have to live in someone else's house without being considered part of the family.
- The lodger's presence is tolerated, but there is a determination not to let them feel too comfortable or at home.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
英文の「添削「をお望みなのか、和文の「添削」をお望みなのかよく分かりませんでしたが、取り敢えずできる限り原文を尊重した形で、以下の通り手を加えてみました。ご参考ください。 I have noticed that people who let lodgings, nearly always hate their lodgers. They want their rent money but they regard them as intruders. Deep down, they are determined not to let the lodgers make themselves too much at home, which is a curiously jealous attitude to have. Perhaps it is an inevitable result of the arrangement where someone, who is not a member of the family, has to live in someone else's house. 私は下宿人に部屋を貸す者が、殆どの場合、彼らを常に嫌っていることに気付いた。大家は下宿人の家賃を目当てにしている傍ら、彼らを侵入者とみなしている。奥底では断固として下宿人がくつろぐことのないよう目を光らせているのだ。奇妙にも妬んだ態度である。 もしかしたらこれは、家族の一員でない者が、他人の家に住まなくてはならないという取り決めがもたらす、当然の結果なのかも知れない。