Memes, according to 'Dawkins, are transmittable units of culture.
Songs, poems, and advertising jingles are examples of memes.
So are clothes,fashions, and cosmetic surgery.
Memes can be methods of communication such as e-mail, mathematical techniques such as long division, and technological conveniences
such as speed dialing.
There are small memes, such as the idea that every room
should have a touch of yellow in its decoration,
and large memes, such as
The critical feature of memes is their ability to be replicated.
Indeed, Dawkins deliberately chose the name "meme" to sound
like "gene" because both of them can be faithfully copied.
The difference is that genes use 'cellular enzymes or viruses,
whereas memes use imitation.
Susan Blackmore defines memes as "instructions for carrying out behavior,
stored in brains (or other objects) and passed on by imitation"
in her lucid book
The Meme Machine (itself a successful meme, judging from *the subtitle of this section).
Memes are like genes in another way. They are selfish.(1) {{They only care whether they are copied or not, not what happens to the copier.
This is why memes such as
"smoking cigarettes is cool" retain their popularity despite the harm they do.
As long as the meme is efficiently copied from one brain to another------
a process aided by advertising---it will persist. }}
「They only care whether they are copied or not, not what happens to the copier.
This is why memes such as
"smoking cigarettes is cool" retain their popularity despite the harm they do.
As long as the meme is efficiently copied from one brain to another------
a process aided by advertising---it will persist. }}
すなわち広告によって保護されている方法ー それは存続するだろう。
"Dawkins :「リチヤード・ドーキンス」イギリスの生物学者で,代表作はThe Selfish Gene
「利己的な遺伝子」この本の中でmeme (ミーム)という概念が初めて 導入された。
"cellular enzyme :[細胞性酵素」
"the subtitle ofthis section :問題文は"The Meme Machine"というサブタイトルが付い
Viraresistance :「ウイルス抵抗性」