• 締切済み


先日、体調崩して入院した際に心配して連絡をくれた友人にお礼のメッセージを書きたいので、下の文章を英語に訳してください。 よろしくお願いします。 ↓ 心配してくれてありがとう。突然のことで驚かせてしまったかもしれないけど、今は徐々に快方に向かっています。実は腸炎にかかっていたみたいで、入院するまで風邪なのかと勝手に 思い込んで我慢していたら、まさか入院しなくてはいけないところまできていみたい。早くベストの状態に戻るように、ちゃんと休みます。メッセージ本当にありがとう。


  • nyan1230
  • ベストアンサー率33% (1/3)

Thank you for being worried. Although it may have surprised by the sudden thing, it is getting better gradually now. Are as selfish as whether it is cold until it is sent to hospital, as it suffered from enteritis in fact. If it has convinced and borne, it is likely to come till the place which must be sent to hospital by no means. It rests perfectly so that it may return to the best state early. Thank you very much for the message.


Dear friend How are you? Thank you for sending me a massege. I wonder if you are suprised because it happend all of a sudden. But please don't worry. I'm getting well everyday. At the first. I thought I catch a cold and nothing serious. But I was bad enough to be hospitalized. I was enteritis. To be a best condition I'll take a tmie off a while. I really appreciate your kindness. best regards. 文法やスペルは間違っているかもしれませんが、通じると思います。 少し言い回しは変えてます。

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

Thank you for your concern. Sudden news may have surprised you, but I am gradually getting better now. Actually, it seems that I had enteritis. Convinced incorrectly it was just a cold, I had been putting up with it until I was hospitalized. I was surprised myself that I was in such a bad condition that I had to be hospitalized. I will take a rest properly so that I will recover fully as soon as possible. Thank you very much again for your message. ☆ お大事に。

  • tie-s
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/0)

もしも間違えていたり、ニュアンスが違っていたらごめんなさい! Thank you for worrying. I surprised you in a sudden thing, but I gradually get better now. In fact, I was enteritis, but I took enteritis to be a cold and endured it, so I came to have to be hospitalized. I will take a rest well to cure enteritis early. Thank you very much for a message.
