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Phillip's Delusions and the Work of the Angels

  • Phillip believed that he was above the law and that the coincidences surrounding him, such as his kidnapping of me and getting away with it, were the work of the angels.
  • Despite being arrested and released on parole, Phillip's delusions about being above the law persist. This is evident in the coincidences surrounding his actions, including his abduction of me.
  • In this passage, Phillip's delusions are highlighted as he perceives the events surrounding his kidnapping and subsequent actions as more than mere coincidences and instead attributes them to divine intervention.


  • ベストアンサー
  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

I know it only fed Phillip's delusions that he was somehow above law . そのことは、自分はなぜか法を超越しているというフィリップの妄想を助長しただけだったと、私は知っている。 Phillip believed that all the coincidences surrounding him ... were not just mere coincidence, but the work of the angels. フィリップは、彼を取り巻く偶然は単なる偶然ではなく、天使たちの仕業だと信じていた。 上で...として省略した部分は、the coincidence surrounding him(彼を取り巻く偶然)を修飾している部分です。 from his kidnapping of me and getting away with it 私を誘拐して逃げおおせたことに始まって to present-day things like his parole officer' inability to hold him for anything 保護観察官がどうしても彼をつかまえておけないというような今日の事情に至るまでの



