At first,King Ambhi's plan seemed to have worked.Alexander marched on,leaving Taxila intact.When he got to the Jhelum River,the border between King Ambhi and Porus,Alexander demanded that Porus surrender at once.Porus,safe on the other side,refused.It was too hot to fight,and the river,rising from melting snow,was too dangerous to cross.At this time of the year,there was no grass for the army's horses and oxen,and villagers had no rice or wheat to spare for soldiers.Besides,the monsoon was expected soon,and no sensible person would try fighting during the huge rainstorms that were on their way.It was pointless.Once it started raining,everything was so muddy that horses and chariots got stuck and were useless.Only the elephants could get through,and even they wouldn't be much help.The archers the elephants carried would have ahard time shooting with wet,soggy bow strings.
But Alexander had not come as far as he had to be stopped by a river or a little rain.He sent small bands of men out at night to trick Porus into thinking he was crossing the river.According to one story,Porus sent his troops to meet them,only to find out that no one was there.When Alexander and his men finally did attack,during a heavy rainstorm,the battle lasted for more than eight hourr.Thousands of warriors(including both of Porus's sons)were kilked or wounded,along with their horses and elephants.Porus himself was badly wounded,too.But he was just as stubborn as Alexander and,wounded or not,he led a charge against the Greeks.
By the end of the day,both armies were exhausted,and Alexander called a truce.According to a Persian poem,Shah Nama,written by the poet Firdausi 1,600 years later,Alexander told Porus:
1,2ともに言えることなんですが、 どうしてもこの語順から訳を想像してしまいます。 問題集の訳も 「無料のケーブルテレビの基本サービスが・・・・」 となっています。 僕は サービス というより テレビ そのものを含んでいる。と訳してしまいます