- ベストアンサー
代名詞の問題教えてください 1( )に代名詞何がはいりますか? 1-1 Each of us are willing to do ( ) best. 1-2 There were ten eggs in ( ), but only four are here now. 1-3 Will you lend me some money, if you have ( )? 2誤りを教えてください 2-1 His neither books seems very interesting to university students. 2-2 Every my book has a label on its back. 2-3 All of houses had white walls and blue roofs. よろしくおねがいします
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
1-1 us はもちろん1人称ですが,each によって修正がかかって3人称となります。 each は単数扱いなので his とするのが本来です。 ただ,sexism の観点から their とすると考えました。 実際には each があっても,同格的に us のまま1人称で our とすることも多いと思います。 あるいは,かたくは his とする。 their は現実的にはあまり用いられていないようです。 模範解答は his でしょうか。(あるいは単純に our か)
その他の回答 (2)
- shanze
- ベストアンサー率13% (5/37)
- wind-sky-wind
- ベストアンサー率63% (6647/10387)
1-1 Each of us are willing to do ( ) best. Each of us is です。 これは難問です。 their でしょうか。それでも is です。 1-2 There were ten eggs in ( ), but only four are here now. all in all で「全部で」 1-3 Will you lend me some money, if you have ( )? any 2-1 His neither books seems very interesting to university students. His neither books → Neither of his books 2-2 Every my book has a label on its back. Every my book → Every one of my books / Each of my books 2-3 All of houses had white walls and blue roofs. All of houses → All of the houses / All the houses 2-1, 2 あたりはも難問。 こんなの必要ある?(私も学生時代やったと思いますが)