• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語日記13 大都会)

Which do you like? Staying big cities or countryside?

  • Japan has many urban cities. Tokyo is well known for the urban population. Tokyo has been developing rapidly for a long time. Resident of a city can get a very convenient living. However, it has also caused many problems, such as global warming.
  • Global warming is an example of a problem caused by urbanization. The temperature has been increasing by 3 degrees every year, which is a threat to the global ecosystem. We have been focused on developing our living, but we need to consider the impact on future generations.
  • It is important to think about the future and the well-being of the next generations. We cannot ignore the problems of the world, especially when it concerns our children. The choice between staying in big cities or countryside is a personal preference, but we should also consider the larger impact on the environment and society.


  • ベストアンサー

Which do you like? Staying big cities or countryside? →Which do you like better, living in big cities, or countryside? →都会に「住むこと」がテーマなので、living が良いと思います。stay を使うにしても、in が必要。 →which と like の選択疑問文では、better を伴うのが普通です。 Japan has many urban cities. →Japan has many big cities. →urban city という言い方はあまりしないと思います。「都会の都市」という意味。 Tokyo is well known for the urban population →Tokyo is well known for the dense population. →urban population は「都市人口」なので、意図されている意味と違うかも? →私が書いた dense population は「人口の集中」という意味で、次の文にもうまく繋がるかと思いました。 There are about 12 million peoples in Tokyo. →There are about 12 million people in Tokyo. →people 自体が person の複数形なので、s は必要ありません。 Tokyo has been developing so rapid for a long time. →Tokyo has been developing so rapidly for a long time. →「急速に」で副詞じゃないといけないので、rapidly。rapid は形容詞「急速な」です。 Resident of a city can get a very convenience living. →Residents of a city can get very convenient lives. →住民と生活は複数形に。 →「便利な」で形容詞じゃないといけないので、convenient。convenience は名詞です。 →シンプルに Living in a city is very convenient. でも。 However it made a lot of problems. →However, it has caused a lot of problems. →problem は、「作る」ではなく「生じる」という言い方をします。 →今も問題は続いてるので、現在完了が良いと思います。 Global warming is best example. →Global warming is the best example. →形容詞の最上級には the をつける。 It has been growing up by the 3 temperature every year. →The temperature has been rising by 3℃ every year. →温度の上昇には rise を使います。 The global ecosystem will be broken if the global warming will not be stopping. →The global ecosystem will be brken, if the global warming does not stop. →未来の条件を表す節では、現在形を使います。 We only thought about developing our living. →We have thought only about improving our lives. →生活を・・なので、develop 発展させるよりも、improve 向上させるが良いと思います。 →「・・だけについて考えてきた」なので、only はabout の直前において強調。 Maybe we forgot more important things →We may have forgot something more important. →「maybe + 過去形」よりも「助動詞 may + have + 過去分詞」の方が、助動詞を変えたりしてバリエーションがつけられるので、覚えたら便利です。 →同じように、「形容詞 + thing」よりも「something(anything) + 形容詞」の方が、よく使われる表現だと思います。 The present generation may not be suffered that. →The present generation may not be affected directly. →suffer だと、何に苦しむのかはっきり書かないといけないので、「直接影響は受けない」にしてみました。 However we must think about next generations. For example, our children are. →However, we must think about the next generation, such as our children. →わざわざ文を分けなくても such as で文を続ける方が簡単です。 →次の世代=自分の子供の世代 なのは自明なので、such as ~は無くても良いのでは? You cant ignore about problems of world if you think about your children. →You can't ignore these global problems if you think about your children. →温暖化などの問題は「世界の問題」というよりは「地球規模の問題」とします。 →ignore には、前置詞は必要ありません。 他の文は良いと思います。 ご参考まで。



ありがとうございます。 また投稿するのでお願いします。いつも助かります(笑)
