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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語日記24 死刑制度)

What do you think of the death penalty?

  • The death penalty is a controversial topic that many countries have adopted, including Japan.
  • There are differing opinions on this system, with some believing it provides justice for the victims' families, while others argue it is inhumane.
  • It raises questions about the inconsistency of seeking revenge and the concept of punishment for a crime.


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51910
  • ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)

ライティングの力をあげるための努力は高く評価しますが、今回は気を付ければ防げた筈の凡ミスが多過ぎです。例えば英語の文章において Question Mark (?) は一つで足ります。単純な事ですがこうしたところに注意を払う事も重要です。 What do you think of a idea the death penalty. [What do you think of the death penalty?] → "What do you think" と訊いているので "of an idea" は不要です。「考える」こと自体が頭の中で「アイディアを転がす」ことだからです。因みに、idea の前の不定冠詞は a ではなく、an です。 There are many countries adopt the death penalty. Japan is one of them. [There are many countries that adopt death penalty. Japan is one of them.] → 接続詞 "that" が抜けています。 I want to just ask you that you think you agree with this system?? [I want to just ask you whether or not you agree with the system.] → "whether or not (you agree)" = 「(同意)かどうか」 → 疑問文ではないので、"?" は不要です。 I guess that there are many opinion of this system. [I guess there are many views on death penalty.] → ここでは "that" を省いても構いません。文意が明瞭なので。 victim`s family probably hope that the murder is going to die, but how about murder`s family?? [Victims' families probably want the murderers dead, but what about the murderers' families?] → 被害者一般の家族ということで、複数にしています(Victims' families)。 → 殺人犯も複数にして一般化しています。"murder" は「殺人」、「殺人犯」は "murderer" です。 They think feel too bad when they hear their son going to die, even if he is murder. [Even if their son is a murderer, the parents will be grieved if they were to be told that their son is to be executed. ] → 「たとえ自分の息子が殺人者であっても」は最初にもってきた方がインパクトがあります。 → ただ「死ぬ」のではなく「死刑に処される」ので、"to be executed." → "grieved" = 「悲嘆に暮れる」 This is my opinion, so please don’t hurt your feeling even if hear my opinion. [In my personal opinion,] → 「私の個人的な見解ですが、」で足ります。 I think death penalty is also one of crimes. Please thinking about it simply. [I think capital punishment is a crime in itself. It is as simple as that.] → "death penalty" が何度も出てくるので、違う言葉 "capital punishment" を使用。 → "is a crime in itself." 「それ自体が罪である。」 Were you taught the thing that you shouldn’t revenge just because you feel disgusting. It has a in consistency, doesn’t it?? [Were you not taught that you should not revenge eye for an eye?] → "eye for an eye" = 「目には目を」 What do you think of the death penalty? There are many countries that adopt death penalty. Japan is one of them. I want to just ask you whether or not you agree with the system. I guess there are many views on death penalty. Victims' families probably want the murderers dead, but what about the murderers' families? Even if their son is a murderer, the parents will be grieved if they were to be told that their son is to be executed. In my personal opinion, I think capital punishment is a crime in itself. It is as simple as that. Were you not taught that you should not revenge eye for an eye?



長い回答ありがとうございます。 これからもよろしくおねがいします。


その他の回答 (1)

  • Ensenada
  • ベストアンサー率44% (484/1090)

荒捜しだけです。 victim’s → Victim’s 文頭は大文字。 Victim、murder、familyはもしかして複数形のほうがいいかもしれないけど、わからない。他の人の回答を待ってください。 even if he is murder. → 単数形なら a murder. 複数形なら they are murders. Please thinking about it simply. → Please think about it simply. Please の後は動詞の原形



ありがとう!! 凡ミスきをつけます

