• 締切済み


文法とかスペルに全然自信がなくて; もしよければ手伝って下さい。ほとんど間違えてると思いますが。 ソウルサーフとゆう映画映画の質問付の感想文です。 1, What have you learned from the movie? - i learned that when we think that life has ended, it is only just beginning. Everything in life has a purpose, a reason. There may be time that we think we want to give up, but that’s where you find real strength. Like Bethany, she is a very strong person. Terrible things happened to her even though it seems that she doesn’t deserve it because she is a very good person. But out of that terrible thing that happened, something good came out of it. She was able to overcame the problems she has faced. Anything is possible. All we need is faith, in God and in yourself. 2, How can you apply it in your life. 1, find something which is challenging for me. 2, Set a small goal. 3, get motivated 3, what have you felt when you try living with one arm? - I tried tying my hair with my one hand, and i realized that there is no way you can do that. how dificult it is to not be able to do something you normaly do everytime. お願いします。


  • gingles
  • ベストアンサー率70% (21/30)

What have you learned from the movie?  I learned from the movie that when we think our life has ended, it has only just begun. I also learned there is a purpose and reason to everything that happens in our lives. There may be a time when we want to give up, but that is the time when we find real strength in ourselves, as Bethany finds in the story.  Bethany is a very strong person and she is also such a good person in the movie. There are terrible things that happen to her as the story goes on, even though she does not deserve them. However, She is able to overcome those difficulties which she has to face up to her life. I think that something good can come out of even the most difficult situations, if we face them and do not try to escape our fates. The movie made me think there is nothing we cannot overcome when we belive in God and ourselves and have faith. 2, How can you apply it in your life. 1, Find something I can challenge. 2, Set a small goal. 3, Get motivated 3, what have you felt when you try living with one arm? - I tried to tie my hair with one hand the other day but I could not do it at all. I realized how difficult it is when we lose something we take for granted in our daily lives. 学生さんですか?英文の書き方を先生に教えてもらって下さいね。原文には、ライティングでは使わない表現、短縮形など沢山ありました。文の展開の仕方も教えてもらってくださいね。(今回は、できるだけ原文のままにしてますが、英文は正しくても、日本語独特の文の展開の仕方が強く出ています) 英文のセンスがおありです。文法も強い方だと思います。原文を提出されるのも英語の勉強には、なるかも知れませんよ。英語だけ正しい宿題を提出するのが、なんだか非常にもったいない気がします。先生を捕まえて、間違ったところを教えてもらった方が、もっと勉強になるかも知れません。 私は自分自身の勉強にもなるので、回答させていただけるのはうれしいですけどね。。。(笑)
