• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語日記7 人は変われるのか??)

Can humans change?

  • As proverb has it says that the child is father to the man, can humans truly change? This question has been debated for ages, and there is no easy answer. However, one thing is certain: change is possible.
  • Many people desire to become a better version of themselves, to transform into a new person. But changing oneself is not an easy task. It requires effort, determination, and perseverance.
  • The key to personal transformation lies in sustained effort and a strong will. You must be willing to go the extra mile and overcome obstacles along the way. It is important to remember that change is a gradual process, and setbacks are bound to happen. But as long as you stay committed and keep pushing forward, change is within reach.


  • ベストアンサー

Can humans change?? →Can people change?? →human は、動物に対しての「ヒト」という感じなので、people が良いと思います。 As proverb has it says that the child is father to the man <三つ子の魂百まで>. →It is said in a proverb: the child is father to the man →「諺では~と言われています」は、よくこういう表現が使われます。 Are you for or against the proposal? →Do you think this is true or not? →提案・・ではないので、proposal は合わない気がします。 →「賛成か反対か?」よりも、私なら「本当と思うかどうか?」と書きます。 It is difficult for us to decide which one is true. →It is difficult for us to decide which. →前の文を受けて、「どちら(真実なのかどうか)を決めるのは難しい。」 →またはシンプルに It is a difficult question. とかも。 However we can make to try changing ourselves. →However, we can try to change ourselves. →「~しようとする」は try だけで大丈夫です。 →または we can give it a try to change ourselves. でも。「~しようとやってみる。」 Many people want to change to a new person. →Many people want to change themselves. →to new people だと「違う人間と変わる」みたいにも感じます。 →change は「~を変える」なので、後ろに「彼ら自身」を入れるか、受身で want to be changed が良いと思います。 However I think that one person does it by the hundreds. 「そういう人たちは何百回も努力してきたのだと思う」という意味でしょうか?それならば →I think that they have been trying hundred times. You must make effort more than other people if you want to change. →You must make efforts more than other people if you want to change. →effort は可算名詞です。この文の意味では複数が良いと思います。 It is most important to sustain not lose your heart. 「信念を失わずに持ち続けることが何より大事」という意味でしょうか?それならば →It is the most important to sustain your belief. →形容詞の最上級は the をつける。 →lose one's heart は「心を奪われる(惚れる)」みたいな意味です。 →sustain は後ろに名詞がきて「~を持続する」なので belief 「信念」を置きました。 <私も変わるために今現在努力しています> →As for myself, I am making efforts to change myself right now. →as for myself で、「私自身について言えば」 ご参考まで。

