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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語日記7 秀才と天才の差)

The Difference Between a Brilliant Person and a Genius

  • The difference between a brilliant person and a genius lies in their approach to achieving something.
  • A brilliant person is someone who puts in a lot of effort and makes a conscious choice to succeed.
  • On the other hand, a genius is someone who can achieve something effortlessly, without much effort.


  • ベストアンサー

What is the difference between a brilliant person and a genius person. →What is the difference between a brilliant person and a genius? →brilliant は形容詞ですが、genius はそれだけで「天才な人」 I think there are two types. →I think there are two types of people. →「2種類がいる」よりも「2種類の人々がいる」 がいい気がします。 First, people who can do something with a lot of make an effort, which is called a brilliant person. →First, people who can do things by making a lot of efforts, who are called brilliant. →出来ることは1つだけじゃないので、things が良いかと。 →make effort のように動詞を使いたければ by ~ing で「~することで」 →人について話しているので、関係代名詞はwho →「~する人は、○○な人と呼ばれる」→「~する人は、○○と呼ばれる」で十分だと思います。 Second, people who can do something without a lot of make an effort, which is called a brilliant genius person. →Second, people who can do things without a lot of efforts, who are called genious. →上の文と同じ理由で同じ構成にしてみました。 He has failed over and over, but he has never given up in his life. →He failed over and over, but never gave up his life. →今は成功しているので、失敗については、過去形が良いかと思います。 That is why he succeed. →That is why he has been successful. →何か1つのことに成功したのではなく、全体的に成功した状態、なので、形容詞が良いかもしれません。 →成功した状態は今も続いているので、現在完了。 I cant choose which one is better. →I can't tell which is better. →次の文で実際にchoose しているので、「どちらが良いとは言えない」ぐらいが良いかと。 However, I would choose a brilliant person if I could choose. →However, I would chooose a brilliant person, if I could. →言葉の重複はなるべく避けた方が良いです。 →if I could はなくても、「選ぶとしたらこっちかなー」というニュアンスは伝わります。仮定法なので。 It is because I satisfy a lot when I will achieve something. →It is because I feel satisfied a lot when I achieve something. →satisfy は「満足させる」。「満足する」はbe(feel) satisfied など。 →「~すると満足する」なので、未来形にする必要はありません。 Anyway, most important thing is keep going on. →Anyway, the most important thing is to keep going on. →形容詞の最上級はthe をつける。 →「やり続けること」なので、不定詞。 残りの文は良いと思います☆ ご参考まで。