• 締切済み


間違っている所があれば教えてください。 Staff  Wanted Good circumstance for skills development ・A person, who wants to independent in the future is hearty welcome. Steady Support System. ・A person, who wants to skill up from beginner. ・A person, who wants to learn manner and communication skills even after becoming a member of society,. ・A person, who wants to independence and have own shop. Good circumstance, where any beginner can develop their own skill. It is possible to start as part time worker →learn skills and step up to a regular staff. →develop your skills and experiments for next manager step.→manager Additional salary system for sell, mini-bonus system. Your salaries refer to your efforts. We absolutely support your motivation. We have an independence system. 【Staff wanted for four shops in Chiyoda】 Let’s work at our shops, where are often in topics in media. We are planning to open new shops inside and outside of Japan. We always offer our ramen at customer side, and convey our devotions to each ball of ramen for each customer. We simultaneously want new staffs for four shops. Our achievements are good. Media often pick up our shops. Our shops are popular. Steady working conditions. 【regular Staff wanted】 Bonus, company trips, independent system. Experienced person can have a chance to manage whole a shop as a candidacy for manager. You can learn restaurant business. Staff management, sell strategies….ets


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

 #1です。謝罪です。  こういうことを書いたと言ったら、「この就職難の時に常識が無い」と叱られました。そんなのっけから収入の額や就職の場所を書いたら、すぐ求人もとが割れてアイデンティティー窃盗などに遭うのだそうで、訳の分からない広告を終わりまで読む忍耐力の持ち主だけに就職の機会が与えられるのだ、とさんざん叱られました。    どうか#1は読まなかったことにしてください。お詫びして取り消します。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

