Dear Annie: My adult daughter recently visited from out of state, and she has developed some odd and off-putting habits. I really don't mean to judge her, but I'd also like to help her. At the same time, if I said anything, she might run a hundred miles in the opposite direction.
She has stopped showering every day. I'm not sure whether it's a "save the water" thing or what, but frankly, she smells like the zoo. No deodorant, either. Her clothes are dirty, as well. She has also dropped table manners. She frequently eats with her hands -- says it's what they do in other countries. Her open mouth chews away as she talks, with bits of food spraying all over. She burps freely, and it's not a health/indigestion issue. Her body language says "relax," no matter what position she's in -- slumped at the table, reclined on the couch, etc. I think she's trying to be as earthy as possible. Her husband is very similar, so at least they're not offending each other. -- Judgmental-ish Mom
Dear Judgmental-ish Mom: It sounds as if your flower child has taken on a whole new look and smell, and she wants you and everyone around her to notice it.
It is lovely that she has found a more relaxed state of living, but not at the expense of her own hygiene. The dirty clothing and lack of bathing will eventually catch up with her -- perhaps in the form of a rash or sickness, and that would take away from her and her husband's "relaxed" state.
The dirty clothing and lack of bathing will eventually catch up with herの和訳をよろしくお願いします
ありがとうございます!私はsaysheさんに謝らないと‥前回か前々回のお礼欄にsaysheさんと入力したつもりでいて実際はsaysheと呼び捨てになってましたよ~自分のバカバカ(>_<)今、自分のほっぺ一応つねつねしときましたからね許してたも~m(_ _)m 私が彼女が日本に初来日中だよと教えたら彼女の大FANのギリシャの相手からmessage届きましたが彼女を見た?彼女に会った?どちらを言ってるのかな?