• 締切済み


Step 1: Acetylation of Aniline In the first step we need to put the removable acetyl protecting group on the nitrogen of aniline. The acetyl group is electron withdrawing and it therefore makes the lone pair on the nitrogen less reactive either in an oxidation reaction or a protonation reaction. The nitric acid used in the nitration step is a fairly strongly oxidizing agent and we could form an N-oxide. The nitration conditions (nitric acid and sulfuric acid) are strongly acidic. Protonation of the nitrogen of aniline makes it a very strong deactivating group, making the aromatic ring less susceptible to reaction with the nitrating agent and the NH3 + group would be a meta director. Another value of the acetyl protecting group is that it is bulky group and preferentially directs the nitration to the para position rather than the ortho position. The full mechanism for the reaction is given in Figure 14.2. Acetic anhydride is partially protonated by the acetic acid. This makes the anhydride an even better electrophile for the nucleophilic nitrogen of aniline. This attacks to form the tetrahedral intermediate, which, after proton transfer, loses acetic acid.


  • enna2005
  • ベストアンサー率40% (333/819)

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