1-1)Trying to map the brain has always been cartography for fools. Most of the other parts of the body reveal their workings with little more than a glance.
1-2)The heart is self-evidently a pump; the lungs are clearly bellows. But the brain, which does more than any organ, reveals least of all.
1-3)The 3-lb. lump of wrinkled tissue--with no moving parts, no joints or valves--not only serves as the motherboard for all the body's other systems but also is the seat of your mind, your thoughts, your sense THAT you exist at all.
1-4)You have a liver; you have your limbs. You are your brain.
1-3)のTHATが接続詞なのか自信がありません。AT ALLもいまひとつ自信がありません。
それぞれ文法的にはどのような働きをし、The 3-lb. lump of wrinkled tissue is the seat of your mind, your thoughts, your sense that you exist at all.はどのような訳になるでしょうか。
1-4) You have a liver; you have your limbs.が1-3)のbut alsoより前、You are your brainがbut also以下に対応しているようですがいまひとつ言いたいことが分らないのですがどのように1-3と1-4のつながりを説明できるでしょうか。
2-1)The struggle of the mind to fathom the brain it inhabits is the most circular kind of search--the cognitive equivalent of M.C. Escher's lithograph of two hands drawing one another.
M.C. Escher's lithographについては分ったのですがthe most circular kind of searchを置き換えたthe cognitive equivalent ofの特にcognitiveの部分をうまい日本語にできないのですが、よい表現はありますでしょうか。
2-2) But that has not stopped us from trying. In the 19th century, German physician Franz Joseph Gall claimed to have licked the problem with his system of phrenology, which divided the brain into dozens of personality organs to which the skull was said to conform.
文脈的にはpersonality organは「それぞれ特徴を持つ部位」と考えられますが、「人それぞれが持っている部位」というのも拭いきれないのですがどちらでしょうか。
また、名詞+名詞だと読みづらいのですがpersonal organsでは通じないでしょうか。
(The New Map Of The Brain By JEFFREY KLUGER)
どうもありがとうございました♪ こういう定型句があるんですね!勉強になりました。