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下の3つの日本文を英文に直してください。よろしくお願いします。 (1)7月末に祖母の家で飼っている猫のロッキーが亡くなりました。 (2)ロッキーはサクラの子供で、サクラはロッキーが生まれてから育児放棄をしていました。 (3)そのため、祖母が母親に代わって、ロッキーを育ててきました。


  • ベストアンサー
  • cowlon
  • ベストアンサー率57% (152/265)

直訳は: 1) Rocky, the cat my grandmother kept died at the end of July. 2) Rocky was Sakura's kitten, however Sakura neglected Rocky since he (ロッキーは雄?) was born. 3) So my grandmother took care of Rocky on behalf of his mother. もっと自然な言い方は: 1) My grandmother's cat Rocky died at the end of July. 2) Rocky was Sakura's kitten, however Sakura neglected Rocky since he (ロッキーは雄?) was born. 3) So my grandmother took care of Rocky as if he were her own child.

その他の回答 (1)


1.In the end of July, Rocky, the cat that kept him in grandmother's home died . 2.Rocky was a child of Sakura, and after him was born, Sakura negrected Rocky . 3.So grandmother has raised Rocky in place of mother. でいかが?