- 締切済み
全文なので長いデス。出来る範囲でお願いします My dearest Mr. Grint, Hello. I'm a forties woman, live in Tokyo. I read all the books of "Harry Potter Series", and saw five the films. Your acting attracted me on all films. Your was rise superior to that I've got imagined the character of the book. I became your greatest fan. I enjoy your act as its expression changs. You've get acting delight, anger, sorrow, and pleasure at movement. You're a character actor and charming. I've enjoyed the film on five DVDs many times. I want to see more your other films. However, able to see you in "thunderpants" only. I wish your works "Driving Lessons", "Cherrybomb" and "Wild Target" opens in Japan. If you don't mind, I would appreciate if you could post your autographed portrait with signatures for us. I'm looking forward to "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood prince" which will be open July this year.I hope you'll contnue to mark great films, and want to see again you in Japan. Thank you in a advance.Kind regards.
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
- kiichi0805
- ベストアンサー率53% (59/111)
何か、日本語からそのまま英訳したのでは?という文章も あり、意味が通じない部分が多少ありますね。とりあえず、 ざっくりと修正すると、、、 Dear, Mr. Grint, Hi there. I'm a big fan of you living in Tokyo, Japan. I read all the series of Harry Potter and saw the movies, five of them. Your act on those films totally captivated me. The character you created on those films were so far better than what I imagined while I was reading the book and expecting the character to be. That is the reason why I started being into you. (I enjoy your act as its expression changsの意味が 分かりかねます。のでここでは抜かしておきますね。) You vividly expressed your(or the character's) anger, sorrow and pleasure at the moment. Because I was trapped by your act so much as I wrote, I bought the DVD and saw those many times. I want to see the films you are on, more and more. However, unfortunately the movie I can access for now is "thunderpants", only. I wish your works like, "Driving Lessons", "Cherrybomb" and "Wild Target" would also come out even in Japan. If you don't mind I ask you this, I'm just wondering if you could post your portrait with your autograph on that for us? I'm looking forward to seeing "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood prince", which will come out soon. (I hope you'll continue to mark great filmsの意味が?ですのでここも抜かしておきます。) and also hopefully I'll see you again in Japan. Thank you so much. Kind Regards って感じですかね。まず、あっちの人は年齢など気にしないので わざわざ宣言する必要はありません。あとsuperiorという単語を 使ってらっしゃいますが、文意が逸れます。避けるべきかと思います。 あとopenも通じないですかね。最後に名前を入れることを お忘れなく。portraitだと相当ハードルが高いように 思えますが、送ってくれるといいですね。 全編通してactで表現している部分はperformanceでもOKかと 思います。 まぁご参考程度に。
とりあえず修正しました。 My dearest Mr. Grint, Hello. I'm a forties woman, living in Tokyo. I've read all the books of "Harry Potter Series", and saw five of the films. Your acting attracted me on all films. You have been far superior to what I've got imagined the character of the book. I became your greatest fan. I enjoy your act as its expression changs. I felt delighted, anger, sorrow, and pleasure at your movements. You're very charming. I've enjoyed the film on five DVDs many times. I want to see more of your films. However, I was able to see you in "thunderpants" only. I wish your works "Driving Lessons", "Cherrybomb" and "Wild Target" opens in Japan. If you don't mind, I would appreciate it if you could post your autographed portrait with signatures for us. I'm looking forward to "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood prince" which will be screened at cinema in July this year.I hope you'll contnue to make great films, and want to see again you in Japan. Thank you. Kind regards.
ご回答ありがとうございました。 早速、訂正しました。
ご回答ありがとうございます。 文字制限で説明文が書けませんでしたが、UK, US 混ざった基本(文法)も出来てない英文になっていませんか? それで改めてお聞きします。 2番目のブロック 以前、「~想像していた以上に魅力的にした」と前後の文で和訳された事があります。 原文は「引きつけ(られ)た」「私が想像したより~」ですが文章になってますか? 3番目のブロック 「あなたには色々な感情表現がある」より「私があなたの感情表現を感じた」のほうが前後に繋がるのでしょか 「性格俳優」は当てはまらないのですか、時には失礼な事ですか? 宜しくお願いします。
ご回答ありがとうございました。 英文添削ではなく、日本語を英訳して頂く質問に変えてみます。
ご回答ありがとうございます。 少し添削して貰っていたので大部分が変わり驚いてます。 幾つか質問があります。 年齢の事ですが、若い俳優なので年齢幅のあるファンがいると知って欲しい気持ちも込めてます。気にしないのなら他にファン層の厚さを知ってもらう言葉はありますか? 【 貴方が創造したキャラクターほうが遥かに良い~】に続く文の ~I was reading the book ~ が ~I have reading the book~ としたらイギリス式ですか? I enjoy your act(ing) as its expression changs. 【 貴方の(演技)表情にも変化があっておもしろい。 】< ing >を外したのは、次に続く文が【 貴方の動きに喜怒哀楽(色々な表情)の演技がある。】としたので演技を重ねなかったんです。 基は細かい表情の事を伝えたいのですが当てはまる言葉も浮かばず、その為に簡単にした日本語がおかしいのかも知れません。 Dear Hi there で始めたら cheers. で結びですか? 宜しくお願いします。