(1) My favorite scenes in the films is that Fred and George gave high five with a club,when Gryffindor won the first Qudditch game to Harry Potter in the Philosopher's Stone.
(2) I was impressed they were a parfect pair even a little scene.
(3) George confirmed Fred his mind of fighting scene in Hogworts, impressed itself in my memory.Whatever happens,they understand each other and I felt the bond between two was very strong.
私はハリー・ポッター シリーズを観たことがないので門外漢ですが、自分なりに訂正を入れてみました。あくまでも、こういう言い方もあるのだなぁ、程度のご参考にして下さい。
(1) My favorite scenes in the films is that Fred and George gave high five with a club,when Gryffindor won the first Qudditch game to Harry Potter in the Philosopher's Stone.
My [favourite]*1 [scene] in the films is [where] Fred and George [give] [a] high five with a club, when Gryffindor won the first Qudditch game to Harry Potter in the ["Philosopher's Stone."]*2
*1 - イギリス英語ですと favorite のスペルは favourite になります。
*2 - Philosopher's Stone は映画の題名ですので、" "で囲むと良いでしょう。
(2) I was impressed they were a parfect pair even a little scene.
I was impressed [that] they were [in perfect unison]*3 [in] even little [scenes].
*3 - ご参考 → http://eow.alc.co.jp/in+perfect+unison/UTF-8/
(3) George confirmed Fred his mind of fighting scene in Hogworts, impressed itself in my memory.Whatever happens,they understand each other and I felt the bond between two was very strong.
[I was deeply impressed by the way] George confirmed [with] Fred, [whether he was ready to fight], in Hogworts. [No matter what]*4 happens, they understand each other and I felt the [unyielding]*5 bond between two.
*4 - ご参考 → http://eow.alc.co.jp/no+matter+what/UTF-8/
*5 - ご参考 → http://eow.alc.co.jp/unyielding/UTF-8/
あまり雰囲気を変えずに書き換えています。{ }は変更点。
(1) 私の映画でのお気に入りのシーンはハリーポッターと賢者の石の時の、
My favorite {scene} in the {movie} is {where} Fred and ~ the first {Quidditch} game in “Harry Potter ~Stone.”
(2) 私は小さなシーンでさえ二人の息がぴったりで感動しました。
I was impressed {that you two were perfect partners in the movie}.
(3) ホグワーツでジョージがフレッドに戦う意思の確認をするシーンが深く印象に残りました。
I was deeply impressed by the scene where George asked Fred if he had the will to fight the game.
I felt a very strong bond between the two because they understood each other whatever the situation was.