Thanks for contacting ○○ Customer Service about listing an item on our site. I understand that you have encountered an error message and was unable to continue with the listing. We really appreciate your time and effort on consulting us on this issue. My name’s ○○ and allow me to assist you on this matter.
○○, for you to be able to successfully exhibit your items on our site. You will have to undergo additional verification as indicated by the error message.
For your convenience, you can call this number: 001-○○○-○○○-○○○○ and we’re open at 5:00am - 10:00pm Pacific Time 7 days a week. If you are to be asked for a pass code, just press the pound "#" key on your phone and you'll be assisted by an account specialist and talk about your account.
Please be advised that we do this for the sole purpose of protecting your account. We do apologize for the inconvenience this might have caused, but this is the standard process we have ever since. You are not singled out on this and every eBay member has at some point undergone the process.
Now, I know that sometimes international phone calls can be quite expensive and because of that, we would like to recommend that you use a service called Skype. They have special rates for any country including the United States and can sometimes be as cheap as 0.10 cents per minute. Here’s their website: www.skype.com. We hope this suggestion helps you as we do not want you spending any more money than is necessary to call us about this issue.
Here's how to call us through Skype:
1. Launch your Skype application on your desktop and click "Call" on the upper-menu of the program's home page.
2 .Enter the international code for the country you are calling from before you dial the number.
3. Enter the 10-digit number of the toll free number you are calling using the numeric keypad on your Skype.
4. Click the green "Call" button and your call will be sent out to the number that you entered.
We do hope that you reach our phone support and get the process going. After all this you will be allowed access again to your account or as advised by our Specialist during the call.
In closing I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your choosing us, as an online market place. We look forward for more years of partnership and innovative possibilities for your ○○ transactions.
I hope this information was helpful, and I wish you the best of luck in all of your future ○○ activities.
>「以上を貴殿のカードから引き落としました」と書かれた紙がある筈 これがINVOICEにあたるのでしょうか? クレジット手続きの反映が2~3ヶ月後ということですが、確かにまだ反映されておらず相当焦りました。 何故なら、今回の注文の前に同じショップで注文・キャンセルをしたことがあり、何故かその引き落としが注文した翌月にありました。 (不当な請求だったのでクレジット会社に相談し引き落とし金額を返金してもらいました) 反映が早いので今回も同じタイミングでクレジットの請求があるものと思っていました。もう少し待ってみます。 有り難うございました。